-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ data_availability_aq.csv The file contains aggregated information about available data of this survey. ATTRIBUTE CATALOGUE*: - survey_year (PK**): year of the data recording - code_country (PK**): ID of the country (data dictionary under: https://icp-forests.org/documentation/Dictionaries/d_country.html) - partner_code: ID of the data submitting party (data dictionary under: https://icp-forests.org/documentation/Dictionaries/d_partner.html) - code_plot (PK**): Unique/persistend plot identifier in a country - sampler_number (PK**): identifier of the sampler - portal_use: "1": the data has been submitted and tested using the ICP Forests DB / "0": the data has NOT been submitted and tested using the ICP Forests DB - darq: "1": there is a Data Accompanying Report (DAR-Q) available for this submission *** / "0": no DAR-Q available - free_files: "1": any additional free files have been uploaded with the data *** / "0" no additional free files available - code_compound (PK**): measured air compound (data dictionary under: https://icp-forests.org/documentation/Dictionaries/d_compound_aq.html) - stats (PK**): "hourly": hourly measurements from active samplers "passive": aggregated measurements from passive samplers "dea": archive data submitted with the deposition survey in the past (see: /adds/dea) "MC": Mean concentration - archived aggregated active sampler data (see: /adds/aqa_agg) "MCd": Mean concentration during daytime (8 - 20h) - archived aggregated active sampler data (see: /adds/aqa_agg) "MCn": Mean concentration during nighttime (20 - 8h(t+1)) - archived aggregated active sampler data (see: /adds/aqa_agg) "Max": Maximum concentration - archived aggregated active sampler data (see: /adds/aqa_agg) "AOT40": AOT40 - archived aggregated active sampler data (see: /adds/aqa_agg) - date_monitoring_first: time stamp of the first measurement of the year - date_monitoring_last: time stamp of the last measurement of the year - measures: number of measures submitted for this sampler-year Additional columns indicate if information of the corresponding form is available ("1") or not available ("0"). Forms are documented under: https://icp-forests.org/documentation/Surveys/GR/index.html * column wise description ** primary key *** download under:https://icp-forests.org/documentation-adds/free-files/ documentation under: https://icp-forests.org/documentation/Introduction/Additional_sources.html -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++