-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ gpd_level_ii.csv The file contains general descriptions of ICP Forests Level II plots ATTRIBUTE CATALOGUE*: - gid: SERIAL PRIMARY KEY - code_country (PK**): ID of the country (data dictionary under: https://icp-forests.org/documentation/Dictionaries/d_country.html) - code_country_iso: ISO abbreviation of the country - lib_country: Name of the country - partner_code: ID of the data submitting party (data dictionary under: https://icp-forests.org/documentation/Dictionaries/d_partner.html) - code_plot (PK**): Unique/persistend plot identifier in a country - biogeo_reg: biogeographical region the plot is located in (source: https://www.eea.europa.eu/data-and-maps/data/biogeographical-regions-europe-3) - plot_status: plot status (data dectionary under: https://icp-forests.org/documentation/Dictionaries/d_plot_status.html) - uuid_elter: UUID of the plot in the eLTER network (further description under: https://deims.org/) - site_code_fluxnet: Site_code of the European Fluxes Database Cluster (see: http://www.europe-fluxdata.eu/home/sites-list) - date_install: date of the plot installation - code_tree_species: coded main tree species (data dictionary under: https://icp-forests.org/documentation/Dictionaries/d_tree_spec.html) - code_species_group: coded species group of the main tree species - tree_species: main tree species - grp_tree_species: main tree species group (conifers / broadleaves) - latitude: latitude of the plot center - rounded to geographic minutes (see: https://icp-forests.org/documentation/ExplanatoryItems/4.html) - longitude: longitude of the plot center - rounded to geographic minutes (see: https://icp-forests.org/documentation/ExplanatoryItems/4.html) - lat_epsg4326: latitude of the plot center in WGS84 - EPSG:4326 based on rounded coordinates (see:http://epsg.io/4326) - lon_epsg4326: longitude of the plot center in WGS84 - EPSG:4326 based on rounded coordinates (see:http://epsg.io/4326) - altitude: mean class altitude of the plot - age: stand age of the plot - aq: "1" survey AQ is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - aq_active: "1" active AQ sampling is conducted on this plot / "0" no active AQ sampling is conducted on this plot - cc: "1" survey CC is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - dp: "1" survey DP is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - fo: "1" survey FO is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - gb: "1" survey GB is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - gr: "1" survey GR is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - gv: "1" survey GV is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - la: "1" survey LA is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - lf: "1" survey LF is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - mm: "1" survey MM is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - mm_hourly: "1" hourly meteo data is available for this plot / "0" hourly meteo data is not available for this plot - oz: "1" survey OZ is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - so: "1" survey SO is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot - ss: "1" survey SS is measured on this plot / "0" survey is not measured on the plot * column wise description ** primary key -- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++