AQ - Monitoring of Air Quality

**Form: COL - Co-located passive samplers and continuous analyzers at intensive monitoring plots or at air quality station **

Form introduced: 2009

Last change: 2009



!Sequence; country; plot; latitude; longitude; altitude; compound; inlet_height; date_start; hour_start; date_end; hour_end; manufacturer; replicates; mean; stdev; mean_cont; percentage_valid; detection_limit; other_observations

1 Sequence

Description: Continuous number to identify the line of the submitted file
Format: I
2 country

DB Column: code_country
Description: ID of the country
Format: I
Dictionary: d_country
3 plot

DB Column: code_plot
Description: Observation plot number
Remarks: A unique number (per country) given to the permanent plot during the selection or installation
Format: I
4 latitude (+DDMMSS)

Description: Latitude in Degrees Minutes Seconds (WGS84)
Remarks: E.g. ‘+505852’ = 50 Degree, 58 Minutes, 52 Seconds
Format: C
Explanatory Item: 4
5 longitude (+/-DDMMSS)

Description: Longitude in Degrees Minutes Seconds (WGS84)
Remarks: E.g. ‘+035531’ = 3 Degree, 55 Minutes, 31 Seconds
Format: C
Explanatory Item: 4
6 altitude (m)

DB Column: code_altitude
Description: Altitude above sea level in 50 meter classes
Format: I
Dictionary: d_altitude
7 compound

DB Column: code_compound
Description: Compound air quality
Format: C
Dictionary: d_compound_aq
8 inlet_height (m)

Description: Inlet height
Remarks: Only for active samplers (rounded to 1 decimal)
Format: F
9 date_start (DDMMYY)

Description: Start date measurement period
Remarks: E.g. ‘9th October 2012’ = ‘091012’
Format: Date
10 hour_start (HH)

Description: Start hour measurement period
Remarks: E.g. 9 o’clock = 09
Format: I
Explanatory Item: 168
11 date_end (DDMMYY)

Description: End date measurement period
Remarks: E.g. ‘9th October 2012’ = ‘091012’
Format: Date
12 hour_end (HH)

Description: End hour of measurement period
Remarks: E.g. 9 o’clock = 09
Format: I
Explanatory Item: 168
13 manufacturer

DB Column: code_manufacturer_passive
Description: Passive sampler manufacturer
Format: C
Dictionary: d_sampler_passive
Explanatory Item: 170
14 replicates

DB Column: replicates_num
Description: Number of co-located passive samplers (replicates) used for the measurement
Format: I
15 mean

DB Column: replicates_mean
Description: Mean value of replicates of co-located passive samplers
Format: F
Explanatory Item: 173
16 stdev

DB Column: replicates_std
Description: Standard deviation of replicates of co-located passive samplers
Format: F
17 mean_cont

DB Column: analyzer_mean_val
Description: Related continuous analyzer mean value for the measurement period
Format: F
18 percentage_valid

DB Column: analyzer_percent
Description: Related continuous analyzer percentage of valid hourly data for the measurement period (%)
Format: I
19 detection_limit

DB Column: analyzer_limit_low
Description: Lowest detection limit of the continuous analyzer
Format: F
20 other_observations (FREE TEXT)

DB Column: other_obs
Description: Supplementary comments
Format: C