Last change: 2022.12
for further information see Explanatory Item: 120
0 | No information | 1984 | |
1 | CRYSTALLINE ROCKS | 1984 | 2005 |
2 | VOLCANIC ROCKS | 1984 | 2005 |
4 | CARBONATE ROCKS | 1984 | 2005 |
8 | ORGANIC MATERIALS | 1984 | 2005 |
11 | ACID PLUTONIC ROCKS | 1984 | 2005 |
12 | NON-ACID PLUTONIC ROCKS | 1984 | 2005 |
13 | QUARTZITE | 1984 | 2005 |
14 | GNEISS | 1984 | 2005 |
15 | SCHIST | 1984 | 2005 |
16 | PHYLLITES | 1984 | 2005 |
17 | OTHER METAMORPHIC ROCKS | 1984 | 2005 |
21 | ACID VOLCANIC ROCKS | 1984 | 2005 |
22 | NON-ACID VOLCANIC ROCKS | 1984 | 2005 |
31 | DETRITAL FORMATIONS | 1984 | 2005 |
32 | SANDSTONES | 1984 | 2005 |
33 | SHALES | 1984 | 2005 |
41 | LIMESTONES | 1984 | 2005 |
42 | MARBLE | 1984 | 2005 |
43 | DOLOMITES | 1984 | 2005 |
44 | CHALK | 1984 | 2005 |
45 | MARL | 1984 | 2005 |
46 | CALCAREOUS SANDSTONES | 1984 | 2005 |
47 | CALCAREOUS SANDSTONES | 1984 | 2005 |
48 | TUFA | 1984 | 2005 |
49 | GYPSE | 1984 | 2005 |
51 | OLD SEDIMENTARY SANDS | 1984 | 2005 |
53 | COASTAL SANDS | 1984 | 2005 |
54 | EOLIAN SANDS | 1984 | 2005 |
61 | RESIDUAL LOAMS | 1984 | 2005 |
62 | EOLIAN LOAMS | 1984 | 2005 |
71 | OLD SEDIMENTARY CLAYS | 1984 | 2005 |
73 | RESIDUAL CLAYS | 1984 | 2005 |
81 | Peat | 1984 | 2005 |
82 | COAL | 1984 | 2005 |
83 | SAPROPELIC DEPOSITS | 1984 | 2005 |
94 | ARTIFICIAL DEPOSITS | 1984 | 2005 |
111 | Granite | 1984 | 2005 |
112 | Granodiorite | 1984 | 2005 |
113 | Quartzo-Diorite | 1984 | 2005 |
121 | Syenite | 1984 | 2005 |
122 | Monzonite | 1984 | 2005 |
123 | Diorite | 1984 | 2005 |
124 | Gabbro | 1984 | 2005 |
131 | Quartzite | 1984 | 2005 |
132 | Micaceous Quartzite | 1984 | 2005 |
141 | Quartzic Gneiss | 1984 | 2005 |
142 | Paragneiss | 1984 | 2005 |
143 | Mafic Gneiss | 1984 | 2005 |
151 | Quartzic Schist | 1984 | 2005 |
152 | Micaschist | 1984 | 2005 |
153 | Chlorite Schist | 1984 | 2005 |
154 | Greenschist | 1984 | 2005 |
155 | Amphibole Schist | 1984 | 2005 |
156 | Calcschist | 1984 | 2005 |
161 | Quartzo-Phyllite | 1984 | 2005 |
162 | Phyllite | 1984 | 2005 |
163 | Slate | 1984 | 2005 |
171 | Migmatite | 1984 | 2005 |
172 | Amphibolite | 1984 | 2005 |
173 | Pyroxenite | 1984 | 2005 |
174 | Peridotite | 1984 | 2005 |
175 | Serpentinite | 1984 | 2005 |
211 | Rhyolite | 1984 | 2005 |
212 | Dacite | 1984 | 2005 |
213 | Quartz-Andesite | 1984 | 2005 |
221 | Andesite | 1984 | 2005 |
222 | Basalt | 1984 | 2005 |
223 | Latite | 1984 | 2005 |
224 | Trachyte | 1984 | 2005 |
225 | Tephrite | 1984 | 2005 |
226 | Phonolite | 1984 | 2005 |
227 | Foidite | 1984 | 2005 |
231 | Volcanic Breccia | 1984 | 2005 |
232 | Lapilli Tuff | 1984 | 2005 |
233 | Tuff | 1984 | 2005 |
241 | Lapilli | 1984 | 2005 |
242 | Cinder | 1984 | 2005 |
243 | Volcanic Ash | 1984 | 2005 |
311 | Conglomerate | 1984 | 2005 |
312 | Breche | 1984 | 2005 |
313 | Flysch | 1984 | 2005 |
314 | Graywacke | 1984 | 2005 |
321 | Quartzy Sandstone | 1984 | 2005 |
322 | Ferruginous Sandstone | 1984 | 2005 |
323 | Clayey Sandstone | 1984 | 2005 |
324 | Arkose | 1984 | 2005 |
331 | Siltstone | 1984 | 2005 |
332 | Claystone | 1984 | 2005 |
411 | Pure Limestone | 1984 | 2005 |
412 | Carbonaceous Limestone | 1984 | 2005 |
413 | Ferrugineous Limestone | 1984 | 2005 |
451 | Marl | 1984 | 2005 |
452 | Gypseous Marl | 1984 | 2005 |
461 | Calcareous Siltstone | 1984 | 2005 |
462 | Calcareous Claystone | 1984 | 2005 |
471 | Calcarenite | 1984 | 2005 |
472 | Macigno | 1984 | 2005 |
481 | Tufa | 1984 | 2005 |
482 | Travertine | 1984 | 2005 |
491 | Gypse | 1984 | 2005 |
492 | Anhydrite | 1984 | 2005 |
511 | Calcareous Sandy Deposits | 1984 | 2005 |
512 | Non-Calcareous Sandy Deposits | 1984 | 2005 |
521 | Calcereous Alluvial Sands | 1984 | 2005 |
522 | Clayey Sands | 1984 | 2005 |
523 | Gravelly Sands | 1984 | 2005 |
524 | Sandy Till | 1984 | 2005 |
531 | Shelly Coastal Sands | 1984 | 2005 |
532 | Non-Calcareous Coastal Sands | 1984 | 2005 |
541 | Cover Sands | 1984 | 2005 |
542 | Dune Sands | 1984 | 2005 |
611 | Old Loam | 1984 | 2005 |
612 | Stony Loam | 1984 | 2005 |
613 | Clay Loam | 1984 | 2005 |
621 | Loess | 1984 | 2005 |
622 | Local Loess | 1984 | 2005 |
623 | Sandy Loess | 1984 | 2005 |
711 | Calcareous Clayey Deposits | 1984 | 2005 |
712 | Non-Calcareous Clayey Deposits | 1984 | 2005 |
721 | Calcareous Alluvial Clays | 1984 | 2005 |
722 | Boulder Clays | 1984 | 2005 |
723 | Gravelly Clays | 1984 | 2005 |
724 | Sandy Clays | 1984 | 2005 |
725 | Clayey Till | 1984 | 2005 |
731 | Clay-with-flints | 1984 | 2005 |
732 | Siderolith Formations | 1984 | 2005 |
811 | Fresh Organic Materials | 1984 | 2005 |
812 | Partly Decomposed Organic Materials | 1984 | 2005 |
813 | Strongly Decomposed Organic Materials | 1984 | 2005 |
821 | Brown Coal | 1984 | 2005 |
822 | Coal | 1984 | 2005 |
823 | Anthracite | 1984 | 2005 |
824 | Graphite | 1984 | 2005 |
831 | Oil Shales | 1984 | 2005 |
1000 | Consolidated-clastic- sedimentary rocks | 1984 | |
1100 | Psephite or rudite | 1984 | |
1110 | Conglomerate | 1984 | |
1111 | Pudding stone | 1984 | |
1120 | Breccia | 1984 | |
1200 | Psammite or arenite | 1984 | |
1210 | Sandstone | 1984 | |
1211 | Calcareous sandstone | 1984 | |
1212 | Ferruginous sandstone | 1984 | |
1213 | Clayey sandstone | 1984 | |
1214 | Quartzitic sandstone / orthoquartzite | 1984 | |
1215 | Micaceous sandstone | 1984 | |
1220 | Arkose | 1984 | |
1230 | Graywacke | 1984 | |
1231 | Feldspathic graywacke | 1984 | |
1300 | Pelite, lutite or argilite | 1984 | |
1310 | Claystone / mudstone | 1984 | |
1311 | Kaolinite | 1984 | |
1312 | Bentonite | 1984 | |
1320 | Siltstone | 1984 | |
1400 | Facies bound rock | 1984 | |
1410 | Flysch | 1984 | |
1411 | Sandy flisch | 1984 | |
1412 | Clayey and silty flysch | 1984 | |
1413 | Conglomeratic flysch | 1984 | |
1420 | Molasse | 1984 | |
2000 | Sedimentary rocks (chemically precipitated, evaporated, or organogenic or biogenic in origin) | 1984 | |
2100 | Calcareous rocks | 1984 | |
2110 | Limestone | 1984 | |
2111 | Hard limestone | 1984 | |
2112 | Soft limestone | 1984 | |
2113 | Marly limestone | 1984 | |
2114 | Chalky limestone | 1984 | |
2115 | Detrital limestone | 1984 | |
2116 | Carbonaceous limestone | 1984 | |
2117 | Lacustrine or freshwater limestone | 1984 | |
2118 | Travertine/calcareous sinter | 1984 | |
2119 | Cavernous limestone | 1984 | |
2120 | Dolomite | 1984 | |
2121 | Cavernous dolomite | 1984 | |
2122 | Calcareous dolomite | 1984 | |
2130 | Marlstone | 1984 | |
2140 | Marl | 1984 | |
2141 | Chalk marl | 1984 | |
2142 | Gypsiferous marl | 1984 | |
2150 | Chalk | 1984 | |
2200 | Evaporites | 1984 | |
2210 | Gypsum | 1984 | |
2220 | Anhydrite | 1984 | |
2230 | Halite | 1984 | |
2300 | Siliceous rocks | 1984 | |
2310 | Chert, hornstone, flint | 1984 | |
2320 | Diatomite / radiolarite | 1984 | |
3000 | Igneous rocks | 1984 | |
3100 | Acid to intermediate plutonic rocks | 1984 | |
3110 | Granite | 1984 | |
3120 | Granodiorite | 1984 | |
3130 | Diorite | 1984 | |
3131 | Quartz diorite | 1984 | |
3132 | Gabbro diorite | 1984 | |
3140 | Syenite | 1984 | |
3200 | Basic plutonic rocks | 1984 | |
3210 | Gabbro | 1984 | |
3300 | Ultrabasic plutonic rocks | 1984 | |
3310 | Peridotite | 1984 | |
3320 | Pyroxenite | 1984 | |
3400 | Acid to intermediate volcanic rocks | 1984 | |
3410 | Rhyolite | 1984 | |
3411 | Obsidian | 1984 | |
3412 | Quartz porphyrite | 1984 | |
3420 | Dacite | 1984 | |
3430 | Andesite | 1984 | |
3431 | Porphyrite (interm,) | 1984 | |
3440 | Phonolite | 1984 | |
3441 | Tephritic phonolite | 1984 | |
3450 | Trachyte | 1984 | |
3500 | Basic to ultrabasic volcanic rocks | 1984 | |
3510 | Basalt | 1984 | |
3520 | Diabase | 1984 | |
3530 | Pikrite | 1984 | |
3600 | Dike rocks | 1984 | |
3610 | Aplite | 1984 | |
3620 | Pegmatite | 1984 | |
3630 | Lamprophyre | 1984 | |
3700 | Pyroclastic rocks (tephra) | 1984 | |
3710 | Tuff/tuffstone | 1984 | |
3711 | Agglomeratic tuff | 1984 | |
3712 | Block tuff | 1984 | |
3713 | Lapilli tuff | 1984 | |
3720 | Tuffite | 1984 | |
3721 | Sandy tuffite | 1984 | |
3722 | Silty tuffite | 1984 | |
3723 | Clayey tuffite | 1984 | |
3730 | Volcanic scoria/ volcanic breccia | 1984 | |
3740 | Volcanic ash | 1984 | |
3750 | Ignimbrite | 1984 | |
3760 | Pumice | 1984 | |
4000 | Metamorphic rocks | 1984 | |
4100 | Weakly metamorphic rocks | 1984 | |
4110 | (meta-)shale / argilite | 1984 | |
4120 | Slate | 1984 | |
4121 | Graphitic slate | 1984 | |
4200 | Acid regional metamorphic rocks | 1984 | |
4210 | (meta-)quartzite | 1984 | |
4211 | Quartzite schist | 1984 | |
4220 | Phyllite | 1984 | |
4230 | Micaschist | 1984 | |
4240 | Gneiss | 1984 | |
4250 | Granulite (sensu stricto) | 1984 | |
4260 | Migmatite | 1984 | |
4300 | Basic regional metamorphic rocks | 1984 | |
4310 | Greenschist | 1984 | |
4311 | Prasinite | 1984 | |
4312 | Chlorite | 1984 | |
4313 | Talc schist | 1984 | |
4320 | Amphibolite | 1984 | |
4330 | Eclogite | 1984 | |
4400 | Ultrabasic regional metamorphic rocks | 1984 | |
4410 | Serpentinite | 1984 | |
4411 | Greenstone | 1984 | |
4500 | Calcareous regional metamorphic rocks | 1984 | |
4510 | Marble | 1984 | |
4520 | calcschist, skam | 1984 | |
4600 | Rocks formed by contact metamorphism | 1984 | |
4610 | Contact slate | 1984 | |
4611 | Nodular slate | 1984 | |
4620 | Hornfels | 1984 | |
4630 | Calsilicate rocks | 1984 | |
4700 | Tectogenetic metamorphism rocks or cataclasmic metamorphism | 1984 | |
4710 | Tectonic breccia | 1984 | |
4720 | Cataclasite | 1984 | |
4730 | Mylonite | 1984 | |
5000 | Unconsolidated deposits (alluvium, weathering residuum and slope deposits) | 1984 | |
5100 | Marine and estuarine sands | 1984 | |
5110 | Pre-quaternary sand | 1984 | |
5111 | Tertiary sand | 1984 | |
5120 | Quaternary sand | 1984 | |
5121 | Holocene coastal sand with shells | 1984 | |
5122 | Delta sand | 1984 | |
5200 | Marine and estuarine clays and silts | 1984 | |
5210 | Pre-quaternary clay and silt | 1984 | |
5211 | Tertiary clay | 1984 | |
5212 | tertiary silt | 1984 | |
5220 | Quaternary clay and silt | 1984 | |
5221 | Holocene clay | 1984 | |
5222 | Holocene silt | 1984 | |
5300 | Fluvial sands and gravels | 1984 | |
5310 | River terrace sand or gravel | 1984 | |
5311 | River terrace sand | 1984 | |
5312 | River terrace gravel | 1984 | |
5320 | Floodplain sand or gravel | 1984 | |
5321 | Floodplain sand | 1984 | |
5322 | Floodplain gravel | 1984 | |
5400 | Fluvial clays, silts and loams | 1984 | |
5410 | River clay and silt | 1984 | |
5411 | Terrace clay and silt | 1984 | |
5412 | Floodplain clay and silt | 1984 | |
5420 | River loam | 1984 | |
5421 | Terrace loam | 1984 | |
5430 | Overbank deposit | 1984 | |
5431 | Floodplain clay and silt | 1984 | |
5432 | Floodplain loam | 1984 | |
5500 | Lake deposits | 1984 | |
5510 | Lake sand and delta sand | 1984 | |
5520 | Lake marl, bog lime | 1984 | |
5530 | Lake silt | 1984 | |
5600 | Residual and redeposited loams from silicate rocks | 1984 | |
5610 | Residual loam | 1984 | |
5611 | Stony loam | 1984 | |
5612 | Clayey loam | 1984 | |
5620 | Redeposited loam | 1984 | |
5621 | Running-ground | 1984 | |
5700 | Residual and redeposited clays from calcareous rocks | 1984 | |
5710 | Residual clay | 1984 | |
5711 | Clay with flints | 1984 | |
5712 | Ferruginous residual clay | 1984 | |
5713 | Calcareous clay | 1984 | |
5714 | Non-calcareous clay | 1984 | |
5715 | Marly clay | 1984 | |
5720 | Redeposited clay | 1984 | |
5721 | Stony clay | 1984 | |
5800 | Slope deposits | 1984 | |
5810 | Slope-wash alluvium | 1984 | |
5820 | Colluvial deposit | 1984 | |
5830 | Talus scree | 1984 | |
5831 | Stratified slope deposits | 1984 | |
6000 | Unconsolidated glacial deposits / glacial drift | 1984 | |
6100 | Morainic deposits | 1984 | |
6110 | Glacial till | 1984 | |
6111 | Boulder clay | 1984 | |
6120 | Glacial debris | 1984 | |
6200 | Glaciofluvial deposits | 1984 | |
6210 | Outwash sand, glacial sand | 1984 | |
6220 | Outwash gravels glacial gravels | 1984 | |
6300 | Glaciolacustrine deposits | 1984 | |
6310 | Varves | 1984 | |
7000 | Eolian deposits | 1984 | |
7100 | Loess | 1984 | |
7110 | Loamy loess | 1984 | |
7120 | Sandy loess | 1984 | |
7200 | Eolian sands | 1984 | |
7210 | Dune sand | 1984 | |
7220 | Cover sand | 1984 | |
8000 | Organic materials | 1984 | |
8100 | Peat (mires) | 1984 | |
8110 | Rainwater fed moor peat (raised bog) | 1984 | |
8111 | Folic peat | 1984 | |
8112 | Fibric peat | 1984 | |
8113 | Terric peat | 1984 | |
8120 | Groundwater fed bog peat | 1984 | |
8200 | Slime and ooze deposits | 1984 | |
8210 | Gyttja, sapropel | 1984 | |
8300 | Carbonaceaous rocks (caustobiolite) | 1984 | |
8310 | Lignite (brown coal) | 1984 | |
8320 | Hard coal | 1984 | |
8330 | Anthracite | 1984 | |
9000 | Anthropogenic deposits | 1984 | |
9100 | Redeposited natural materials | 1984 | |
9110 | Sand and gravel fill | 1984 | |
9120 | Loamy fill | 1984 | |
9200 | Dump deposits | 1984 | |
9210 | Rubble/rubbish | 1984 | |
9220 | Industrial ashes and slag | 1984 | |
9230 | Industrial sludge | 1984 | |
9240 | Industrial waste | 1984 | |
9300 | Anthropogenic organic materials | 1984 |