range tests

no tests available

temporal tests

37 Message: longitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT (longitude = longitude_t-1)
warning since 1984
70 Message: latitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT (latitude = latitude_t-1)
warning since 1984

multiple tests

275 Message: specified date_monitoring_first VALUE must not smaller than specified date_monitoring_last VALUE
SQL: where NOT (date_monitoring_first < date_monitoring_last)
error since 1984
375 Message: LF_altitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT
SQL: where NOT (altitude = altitude)
warning since 1984
437 Message: LF_latitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT (VALUE).
SQL: where NOT (latitude = latitude)
warning since 1984
438 Message: LF_longitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT (VALUE).
SQL: where NOT (longitude = longitude)
warning since 1984
3001 Message: plot VALUE is not registered in the system installation
SQL: where NOT (EXIST(plot))
error since 1984
3229 Message: latitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+DDMMSS) with leading "+"
SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(latitude) = 7 AND latitude LIKE('+%'))
error since 1984
3230 Message: longitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+/-DDMMSS) with leading "+/-"
SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(longitude) = 7 AND (longitude LIKE('+%') OR longitude LIKE('-%')))
error since 1984


range tests

dry_weight_105 0.001 10000 warning since 1984
dry_weight_70 0.001 10000 warning since 1984

temporal tests

no tests available

multiple tests

752 Message: specified date_start VALUE must not smaller than specified date_end VALUE
SQL: where NOT (date_start <= date_end)
error since 1984
20008 Message: Tree species -9 is not valid for this form. Specify a proper tree species. Plot: VALUE
SQL: where NOT (tree_species > 0)
error since 1984
20240002 Message: Mass and area values are valid only for foliar litter (fractions 10.0, 11.0, 11.1 or 11.2)
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (10, 11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (mass_area_id IS NULL)
error since 1984
20250001 Message: dry_weight_70 and dry_weight_105 should not have the same value
SQL: where (dry_weight_70 > 0) AND NOT (dry_weight_70 <> dry_weight_105)
warning since 1984


range tests

Arsenic 5 1000 warning since 1984
B 0.001 1000 error since 1984
C 45 58 warning since 1984
C 10 100 error since 1984
Ca 0.001 1000 error since 1984
Cd 25 750 warning since 1984
Cd 0.001 5000 error since 1984
Co 0.03 20 warning since 1984
Cr 0.1 30 warning since 1984
Cu 0.001 10000 error since 1984
Fe 0.001 10000 error since 1984
Hg 5 500 warning since 1984
K 0.001 1000 error since 1984
Mg 0.001 1000 error since 1984
Mn 0.001 10000 error since 1984
N 0.001 1000 error since 1984
Ni 0.2 20 warning since 1984
P 0.001 1000 error since 1984
Pb 0.5 25 warning since 1984
Pb 0.001 1000 error since 1984
S 0.001 1000 error since 1984
Zn 0.001 1000 error since 1984

temporal tests

no tests available

multiple tests

753 Message: sum of C, N, S, P, Ca, Mg and K is too high
SQL: where NOT ((C*10+N+S+P+Ca+Mg+K) <= 1000)
error since 1984
756 Message: N VALUE not in range between 5 and 21
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (N BETWEEN 5 AND 21)
warning since 1984
757 Message: S VALUE not in range between 0.6 and 2.2
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (S BETWEEN 0.6 AND 2.2)
warning since 1984
758 Message: P VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 2
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (P BETWEEN 0.2 AND 2.0)
warning since 1984
759 Message: Ca VALUE not in range between 2.0 and 25
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Ca BETWEEN 2.0 AND 25)
warning since 1984
760 Message: Mg VALUE not in range between 0.5 and 3.5
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Mg BETWEEN 0.5 AND 3.5)
warning since 1984
761 Message: K VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 8.3
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (K BETWEEN 0.2 AND 8.3)
warning since 1984
766 Message: Zn VALUE not in range between 15 and 150
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Zn BETWEEN 15 AND 130)
warning since 1984
767 Message: Mn VALUE not in range between 180 and 2500
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Mn BETWEEN 180 AND 2500)
warning since 1984
768 Message: Fe VALUE not in range between 35 and 300
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Fe BETWEEN 35 AND 300)
warning since 1984
769 Message: Cu VALUE not in range between 1 and 10
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Cu BETWEEN 1 AND 10)
warning since 1984
770 Message: B VALUE not in range between 2 and 45
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (B BETWEEN 2 AND 45)
warning since 1984
771 Message: Zn VALUE not in range between 4 and 500
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Zn BETWEEN 4 AND 500)
warning since 1984
772 Message: Mn VALUE not in range between 5 and 5000
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Mn BETWEEN 5 AND 5000)
warning since 1984
773 Message: Fe VALUE not in range between 45 and 450
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Fe BETWEEN 45 AND 450)
warning since 1984
774 Message: B VALUE not in range between 40 and 60
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (B BETWEEN 4 AND 60)
warning since 1984
775 Message: Cu VALUE not in range between 2 and 21
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Cu BETWEEN 2 AND 21)
warning since 1984
980 Message: Ca VALUE not in range between 1.5 and 22
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Ca BETWEEN 1.5 AND 22)
warning since 1984
981 Message: K VALUE not in range between 0.4 and 5.5
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (K BETWEEN 0.4 AND 5.5)
warning since 1984
982 Message: Mg VALUE not in range between 0.45 and 2
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Mg BETWEEN 0.45 AND 2)
warning since 1984
983 Message: N VALUE not in range between 5 and 21
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (N BETWEEN 5 AND 21)
warning since 1984
984 Message: P VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 1.8
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (P BETWEEN 0.2 AND 1.8)
warning since 1984
985 Message: S VALUE not in range between 0.6 and 2.2
SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (S BETWEEN 0.6 AND 2.2)
warning since 1984


range tests

area 0.05 10 warning since 1984
dry_mass 2 50 warning since 1984

temporal tests

no tests available

multiple tests

754 Message: dry_mass is Null, which is not expected for sample VALUE
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (dry_mass IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
755 Message: area is Null, which is not expected for sample VALUE
SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (area IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984


range tests

no tests available

temporal tests

no tests available

multiple tests

281 Message: specified date_start VALUE must not smaller than specified date_end VALUE
SQL: where NOT (date_start <= date_end)
error since 1984
915 Message: control_chart_mean VALUE must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE
SQL: where NOT (((control_chart_mean > 0) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)))
error since 1984
923 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.01 and 1 for Parameter B
SQL: where (parameter='B') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.01 and 1)
warning since 1984
924 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.5 and 50 for Parameter Cd
SQL: where (parameter='Cd') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.5 and 50)
warning since 1984
925 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.005 and 0.5 for Parameter Ca
SQL: where (parameter='Ca') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.005 and 0.5)
warning since 1984
926 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.1 and 10 for Parameter C
SQL: where (parameter='C') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.1 and 10)
warning since 1984
927 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.01 and 1 for Parameter Cu
SQL: where (parameter='Cu') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.01 and 1)
warning since 1984
928 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.05 and 5 for Parameter Fe
SQL: where (parameter='Fe') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.05 and 5)
warning since 1984
929 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.005 and 0.5 for Parameter Pb
SQL: where (parameter='Pb') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.005 and 0.5)
warning since 1984
930 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.003 and 0.3 for Parameter Mg
SQL: where (parameter='Mg') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.003 and 0.3)
warning since 1984
931 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.05 and 5 for Parameter Mn
SQL: where (parameter='Mn') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.05 and 5)
warning since 1984
932 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.02 and 2 for Parameter N
SQL: where (parameter='N') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.02 and 2)
warning since 1984
933 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.003 and 0.3 for Parameter P
SQL: where (parameter='P') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.003 and 0.3)
warning since 1984
934 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.005 and 0.5 for Parameter K
SQL: where (parameter='K') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.005 and 0.5)
warning since 1984
935 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.003 and 0.3 for Parameter S
SQL: where (parameter='S') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.003 and 0.3)
warning since 1984
936 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.05 and 5 for Parameter Zn
SQL: where (parameter='Zn') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.05 and 5)
warning since 1984
937 Message: Quantification limit must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE
SQL: where NOT (quantification_limit > 0)
error since 1984
939 Message: Control chart std VALUE not in range between 0.5 and 10 for VALUE
SQL: where NOT ((control_chart_std BETWEEN 0.5 AND 10) OR (control_chart_std = -9))
warning since 1984
945 Message: control_chart_std VALUE must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE
SQL: where NOT (((control_chart_std BETWEEN 0 AND 100) OR (control_chart_std = -9)))
error since 1984
965 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 5 and 50 for Parameter B
SQL: where (parameter='B') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 5 and 50) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
966 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 25 and 400 for Parameter Cd
SQL: where (parameter='Cd') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 25 and 400) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
967 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 1 and 15 for Parameter Ca
SQL: where (parameter='Ca') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 1 and 15) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
968 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 45 and 57 for Parameter C
SQL: where (parameter='C') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 45 and 57) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
969 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 1 and 15 for Parameter Cu
SQL: where (parameter='Cu') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 1 and 15) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
970 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 20 and 300 for Parameter Fe
SQL: where (parameter='Fe') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 20 and 300) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
971 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.15 and 15 for Parameter Pb
SQL: where (parameter='Pb') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 0.15 and 15) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
972 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.4 and 3 for Parameter Mg
SQL: where (parameter='Mg') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 0.4 and 3) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
973 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 30 and 4000 for Parameter Mn
SQL: where (parameter='Mn') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 30 and 4000) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
974 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 6 and 30 for Parameter N
SQL: where (parameter='N') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 6 and 30) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
975 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.4 and 2.5 for Parameter P
SQL: where (parameter='P') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 0.4 and 2.5) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
976 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 2 and 13 for Parameter K
SQL: where (parameter='K') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 2 and 13) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
977 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.5 and 2.4 for Parameter S
SQL: where (parameter='S') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 0.5 and 2.4) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
978 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 10 and 100 for Parameter Zn
SQL: where (parameter='Zn') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 10 and 100) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))
warning since 1984
1169 Message: Value of Quantification limit is missing
SQL: where NOT (quantification_limit IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
1187 Message: Value of Laboratory ID is missing
SQL: where NOT (Laboratory_ID IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
20220039 Message: Laboratory ID "VALUE" has not participated in a ringtest with pretreatment "VALUE" and determination method "VALUE"
SQL: where NOT (ref.fn_check_lab_id('FO_LF_GB', survey_year, Laboratory_ID, pretreatment, determination) IS TRUE)
warning since 2009