range tests
no tests available
temporal tests
37 | Message: longitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year SQL: where NOT (longitude = longitude_t-1) |
warning | since 1984 |
70 | Message: latitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year SQL: where NOT (latitude = latitude_t-1) |
warning | since 1984 |
multiple tests
275 | Message: specified date_monitoring_first VALUE must not smaller than specified date_monitoring_last VALUE SQL: where NOT (date_monitoring_first < date_monitoring_last) |
error | since 1984 |
375 | Message: LF_altitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT SQL: where NOT (altitude = altitude) |
warning | since 1984 |
437 | Message: LF_latitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT (VALUE). SQL: where NOT (latitude = latitude) |
warning | since 1984 |
438 | Message: LF_longitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT (VALUE). SQL: where NOT (longitude = longitude) |
warning | since 1984 |
3001 | Message: plot VALUE is not registered in the system installation SQL: where NOT (EXIST(plot)) |
error | since 1984 |
3229 | Message: latitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+DDMMSS) with leading "+" SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(latitude) = 7 AND latitude LIKE('+%')) |
error | since 1984 |
3230 | Message: longitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+/-DDMMSS) with leading "+/-" SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(longitude) = 7 AND (longitude LIKE('+%') OR longitude LIKE('-%'))) |
error | since 1984 |
range tests
dry_weight_105 | 0.001 | 10000 | warning | since 1984 |
dry_weight_70 | 0.001 | 10000 | warning | since 1984 |
temporal tests
no tests available
multiple tests
752 | Message: specified date_start VALUE must not smaller than specified date_end VALUE SQL: where NOT (date_start <= date_end) |
error | since 1984 |
20008 | Message: Tree species -9 is not valid for this form. Specify a proper tree species. Plot: VALUE SQL: where NOT (tree_species > 0) |
error | since 1984 |
20240002 | Message: Mass and area values are valid only for foliar litter (fractions 10.0, 11.0, 11.1 or 11.2) SQL: where (sample NOT IN (10, 11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (mass_area_id IS NULL) |
error | since 1984 |
20250001 | Message: dry_weight_70 and dry_weight_105 should not have the same value SQL: where (dry_weight_70 > 0) AND NOT (dry_weight_70 <> dry_weight_105) |
warning | since 1984 |
20250024 | Message: Chem_id #LFD_id is not registered in LFC SQL: where NOT (EXIST(chem_id)) |
error | since 1984 |
20250026 | Message: Mass_area_id #LFD_id is not registered in LFA SQL: where NOT (EXIST(mass_area_id)) |
error | since 1984 |
20250028 | Message: chem_id #chem_id should be in following pattern: C_[partner_code]_[code_plot]_[survey_year]_[consecutive number] SQL: where NOT (chem_id Like 'C_%_' || plot || '_%') |
warning | since 1984 |
20250029 | Message: mass_area_id #mass_area_id should be in following pattern: A_[partner_code]_[code_plot]_[survey_year]_[consecutive number] SQL: where NOT (mass_area_id Like 'A_%_' || plot || '_%') |
warning | since 1984 |
range tests
no tests available
temporal tests
no tests available
multiple tests
753 | Message: sum of C, N, S, P, Ca, Mg and K is too high SQL: where NOT ((C*10+N+S+P+Ca+Mg+K) <= 1000) |
error | since 1984 |
756 | Message: N VALUE not in range between 5 and 21 SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (N BETWEEN 5 AND 21 OR N = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
757 | Message: S VALUE not in range between 0.6 and 2.2 SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (S BETWEEN 0.6 AND 2.2 OR S = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
758 | Message: P VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 2 SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (P BETWEEN 0.2 AND 2.0 OR P = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
759 | Message: Ca VALUE not in range between 2.0 and 25 SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Ca BETWEEN 2.0 AND 25 OR Ca = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
760 | Message: Mg VALUE not in range between 0.5 and 3.5 SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Mg BETWEEN 0.5 AND 3.5 OR Mg = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
761 | Message: K VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 8.3 SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (K BETWEEN 0.2 AND 8.3 OR K = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
766 | Message: Zn VALUE not in range between 15 and 150 SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Zn BETWEEN 15 AND 130 OR Zn = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
767 | Message: Mn VALUE not in range between 180 and 2500 SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Mn BETWEEN 180 AND 2500 OR Mn = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
768 | Message: Fe VALUE not in range between 35 and 300 SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Fe BETWEEN 35 AND 300 OR Fe = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
769 | Message: Cu VALUE not in range between 1 and 10 SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Cu BETWEEN 1 AND 10 OR Cu = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
770 | Message: B VALUE not in range between 2 and 45 SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (B BETWEEN 2 AND 45 OR B = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
771 | Message: Zn VALUE not in range between 4 and 500 SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Zn BETWEEN 4 AND 500 OR Zn = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
772 | Message: Mn VALUE not in range between 5 and 5000 SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Mn BETWEEN 5 AND 5000 OR Mn = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
773 | Message: Fe VALUE not in range between 45 and 450 SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Fe BETWEEN 45 AND 450 OR Fe = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
774 | Message: B VALUE not in range between 40 and 60 SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (B BETWEEN 4 AND 60 OR B = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
775 | Message: Cu VALUE not in range between 2 and 21 SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Cu BETWEEN 2 AND 21 OR Cu = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
980 | Message: Ca VALUE not in range between 1.5 and 22 SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Ca BETWEEN 1.5 AND 22 OR Ca = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
981 | Message: K VALUE not in range between 0.4 and 5.5 SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (K BETWEEN 0.4 AND 5.5 OR K = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
982 | Message: Mg VALUE not in range between 0.45 and 2 SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (Mg BETWEEN 0.45 AND 2 OR Mg = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
983 | Message: N VALUE not in range between 5 and 21 SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (N BETWEEN 5 AND 21 OR N = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
984 | Message: P VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 1.8 SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (P BETWEEN 0.2 AND 1.8 OR P = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
985 | Message: S VALUE not in range between 0.6 and 2.2 SQL: where (sample NOT IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (S BETWEEN 0.6 AND 2.2 OR S = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
20250002 | Message: Arsenic VALUE not in range between 5 and 1000 SQL: where NOT (Arsenic BETWEEN 5 AND 1000 OR Arsenic = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
20250003 | Message: B VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 1000 SQL: where NOT (B BETWEEN 0.001 AND 1000 OR B = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250004 | Message: C VALUE not in range between 45 and 58 SQL: where NOT (C BETWEEN 45 AND 58 OR C = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
20250005 | Message: C VALUE not in range between 10 and 100 SQL: where NOT (C BETWEEN 10 AND 100 OR C = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250006 | Message: Ca VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 1000 SQL: where NOT (Ca BETWEEN 0.001 AND 1000 OR Ca = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250007 | Message: Cd VALUE not in range between 25 and 750 SQL: where NOT (Cd BETWEEN 25 AND 750 OR Cd = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
20250008 | Message: Cd VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 5000 SQL: where NOT (Cd BETWEEN 0.001 AND 5000 OR Cd = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250009 | Message: Co VALUE not in range between 0.03 and 20 SQL: where NOT (Co BETWEEN 0.03 AND 20 OR Co = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
20250010 | Message: Cr VALUE not in range between 0.1 and 30 SQL: where NOT (Cr BETWEEN 0.1 AND 30 OR Cr = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
20250011 | Message: Cu VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 10000 SQL: where NOT (Cu BETWEEN 0.001 AND 10000 OR Cu = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250012 | Message: Fe VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 10000 SQL: where NOT (Fe BETWEEN 0.001 AND 10000 OR Fe = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250013 | Message: Hg VALUE not in range between 5 and 500 SQL: where NOT (Hg BETWEEN 5 AND 500 OR Hg = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
20250014 | Message: K VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 1000 SQL: where NOT (K BETWEEN 0.001 AND 1000 OR K = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250015 | Message: Mg VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 1000 SQL: where NOT (Mg BETWEEN 0.001 AND 1000 OR Mg = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250016 | Message: Mn VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 10000 SQL: where NOT (Mn BETWEEN 0.001 AND 10000 OR Mn = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250017 | Message: N VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 1000 SQL: where NOT (N BETWEEN 0.001 AND 1000 OR N = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250018 | Message: Ni VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 SQL: where NOT (Ni BETWEEN 0.2 AND 20 OR Ni = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
20250019 | Message: P VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 1000 SQL: where NOT (P BETWEEN 0.001 AND 1000 OR P = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250020 | Message: Pb VALUE not in range between 0.5 and 25 SQL: where NOT (Pb BETWEEN 0.5 AND 25 OR Pb = -1) |
warning | since 1984 |
20250021 | Message: Pb VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 1000 SQL: where NOT (Pb BETWEEN 0.001 AND 1000 OR Pb = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250022 | Message: S VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 1000 SQL: where NOT (S BETWEEN 0.001 AND 1000 OR S = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250023 | Message: Zn VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 1000 SQL: where NOT (Zn BETWEEN 0.001 AND 1000 OR Zn = -1) |
error | since 1984 |
20250025 | Message: Chem_id #LFC_id is not registered in LFD SQL: where NOT (EXIST(chem_id)) |
error | since 1984 |
range tests
area | 0.05 | 10 | warning | since 1984 |
dry_mass | 2 | 50 | warning | since 1984 |
temporal tests
no tests available
multiple tests
754 | Message: dry_mass is Null, which is not expected for sample VALUE SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (dry_mass IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
755 | Message: area is Null, which is not expected for sample VALUE SQL: where (sample IN (11, 11.1, 11.2)) AND NOT (area IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
20250027 | Message: Mass_area_id #LFA_id is not registered in LFD SQL: where NOT (EXIST(mass_area_id)) |
error | since 1984 |
range tests
no tests available
temporal tests
no tests available
multiple tests
281 | Message: specified date_start VALUE must not smaller than specified date_end VALUE SQL: where NOT (date_start <= date_end) |
error | since 1984 |
915 | Message: control_chart_mean VALUE must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE SQL: where NOT (((control_chart_mean > 0) OR (control_chart_mean = -9))) |
error | since 1984 |
923 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.01 and 1 for Parameter B SQL: where (parameter='B') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.01 and 1) |
warning | since 1984 |
924 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.5 and 50 for Parameter Cd SQL: where (parameter='Cd') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.5 and 50) |
warning | since 1984 |
925 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.005 and 0.5 for Parameter Ca SQL: where (parameter='Ca') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.005 and 0.5) |
warning | since 1984 |
926 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.1 and 10 for Parameter C SQL: where (parameter='C') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.1 and 10) |
warning | since 1984 |
927 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.01 and 1 for Parameter Cu SQL: where (parameter='Cu') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.01 and 1) |
warning | since 1984 |
928 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.05 and 5 for Parameter Fe SQL: where (parameter='Fe') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.05 and 5) |
warning | since 1984 |
929 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.005 and 0.5 for Parameter Pb SQL: where (parameter='Pb') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.005 and 0.5) |
warning | since 1984 |
930 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.003 and 0.3 for Parameter Mg SQL: where (parameter='Mg') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.003 and 0.3) |
warning | since 1984 |
931 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.05 and 5 for Parameter Mn SQL: where (parameter='Mn') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.05 and 5) |
warning | since 1984 |
932 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.02 and 2 for Parameter N SQL: where (parameter='N') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.02 and 2) |
warning | since 1984 |
933 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.003 and 0.3 for Parameter P SQL: where (parameter='P') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.003 and 0.3) |
warning | since 1984 |
934 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.005 and 0.5 for Parameter K SQL: where (parameter='K') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.005 and 0.5) |
warning | since 1984 |
935 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.003 and 0.3 for Parameter S SQL: where (parameter='S') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.003 and 0.3) |
warning | since 1984 |
936 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.05 and 5 for Parameter Zn SQL: where (parameter='Zn') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.05 and 5) |
warning | since 1984 |
937 | Message: Quantification limit must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE SQL: where NOT (quantification_limit > 0) |
error | since 1984 |
939 | Message: Control chart std VALUE not in range between 0.5 and 10 for VALUE SQL: where NOT ((control_chart_std BETWEEN 0.5 AND 10) OR (control_chart_std = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
945 | Message: control_chart_std VALUE must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE SQL: where NOT (((control_chart_std BETWEEN 0 AND 100) OR (control_chart_std = -9))) |
error | since 1984 |
965 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 5 and 50 for Parameter B SQL: where (parameter='B') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 5 and 50) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
966 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 25 and 400 for Parameter Cd SQL: where (parameter='Cd') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 25 and 400) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
967 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 1 and 15 for Parameter Ca SQL: where (parameter='Ca') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 1 and 15) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
968 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 45 and 57 for Parameter C SQL: where (parameter='C') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 45 and 57) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
969 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 1 and 15 for Parameter Cu SQL: where (parameter='Cu') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 1 and 15) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
970 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 20 and 300 for Parameter Fe SQL: where (parameter='Fe') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 20 and 300) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
971 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.15 and 15 for Parameter Pb SQL: where (parameter='Pb') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 0.15 and 15) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
972 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.4 and 3 for Parameter Mg SQL: where (parameter='Mg') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 0.4 and 3) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
973 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 30 and 4000 for Parameter Mn SQL: where (parameter='Mn') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 30 and 4000) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
974 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 6 and 30 for Parameter N SQL: where (parameter='N') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 6 and 30) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
975 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.4 and 2.5 for Parameter P SQL: where (parameter='P') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 0.4 and 2.5) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
976 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 2 and 13 for Parameter K SQL: where (parameter='K') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 2 and 13) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
977 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.5 and 2.4 for Parameter S SQL: where (parameter='S') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 0.5 and 2.4) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
978 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 10 and 100 for Parameter Zn SQL: where (parameter='Zn') AND NOT ((control_chart_mean between 10 and 100) OR (control_chart_mean = -9)) |
warning | since 1984 |
1169 | Message: Value of Quantification limit is missing SQL: where NOT (quantification_limit IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
1187 | Message: Value of Laboratory ID is missing SQL: where NOT (Laboratory_ID IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
20220039 | Message: Laboratory ID "VALUE" has not participated in a ringtest with pretreatment "VALUE" and determination method "VALUE" SQL: where NOT (ref.fn_check_lab_id('FO_LF_GB', survey_year, Laboratory_ID, pretreatment, determination) IS TRUE) |
warning | since 2009 |