Welcome to ICP Forests - Online Documentation

The Online Documentation is a comprehensive set of metadata describing the ICP Forests database.

Main part is the data description of all surveys, each subdivided into forms (synonymous with tables)

Use the ‘Search’ at the top of the left navigation menu to quickly find relevant sites for your topic of interest.

For the overall work with ICP Forests Data you might need one of the following links:


Topic Format Link
Data portal website https://www.icp-forests.org/data
Data Portal - User guide pdf https://www.icp-forests.org/pdf/icpf_data_portal_user_guide.pdf
Data Portal - FAQ - How to resubmit / correct data? pdf https://icp-forests.org/pdf/faq_data_submissions.pdf
Submitting National Crown Condition Survey website https://www.icp-forests.org/special/forms/crown_condition_survey/


Topic Format Link
Online documentation website https://icp-forests.org/documentation/Introduction/index.html
Download all forms csv https://icp-forests.org/documentation-adds/csv-templates/csv_templates.zip
Download complete documentation
(open index.html to start documentation)
html http://www.icp-forests.org/documentation/download/icpf_offlinedocu.zip
Download dictionaries csv http://www.icp-forests.org/documentation/download/dictionaries.zip
Download free files various http://icp-forests.org/documentation-adds/free-files/
Database reports pdf http://icp-forests.net/page/icp-forests-manual
Metadata reports for Level II website https://icp-forests.org/open_data/level_ii/index.html


Topic Format Link
List of data submissions and manual updates website http://icp-forests.net/page/changes-database
Expert list website http://icp-forests.net/page/expertlist
Project list website http://icp-forests.net/page/project-list
Publication list website http://icp-forests.net/page/scientific-publications