Y1 - System Installation Level 1

Form: ST1 - contents of file with the information on stand description -every five years, Level I

Form introduced: 2011

Last change: 2011



!Sequence; country; plot; history; prev_landuse; origin_stand; tree_species; tree_spec_mix; top_height; det_top_height; forest_type; mean_age; n_layers; cov_layers; canclosure; code_status_mcpfe_class1; code_status_mcpfe_class2; code_status_mcpfe_class3; fencing; notimb_util_plot; notimb_util_buffer; man_type; man_intensity_plot; man_intensity_buffer; silvicult_system; owner; cutting_year; code_canopy_gaps; stand_rotation; plot_status; nfi_status; code_water; code_humus; other_observations

1 Sequence

Description: Continuous number to identify the line of the submitted file
Format: I
2 country

DB Column: code_country
Description: ID of the country
Format: I
Dictionary: d_country
3 plot

DB Column: code_plot
Description: Observation plot number
Remarks: A unique number (per country) given to the permanent plot during the selection or installation
Format: I
4 history

DB Column: code_stand_history
Description: Stand history
Format: I
Dictionary: d_stand_history
5 prev_landuse

DB Column: code_prev_landuse
Description: Previous land use
Remarks: Former land use before the actual stand has been established
Format: I
Dictionary: d_prev_landuse
6 origin_stand

DB Column: code_stand_actual
Description: Origin of actual stand
Format: I
Dictionary: d_stand_actual
7 tree_species

DB Column: code_tree_species
Description: Coded main tree species
Remarks: Category -9 (‘Not relevant’) is not valid for this form. Please select a proper tree species.
Format: I
Dictionary: d_tree_spec
8 tree_spec_mix

DB Column: code_tree_species_mix
Description: Type of tree species mixture
Format: I
Dictionary: d_tree_species_mix
9 top_height (m)

Description: Mean height of the 100 thickest stems per ha
Missing value (NULL): -9999
Remarks: Determined with an accuracy of 10cm.
Format: F
Explanatory Item: 11
10 det_top_height

DB Column: code_det_top_height
Description: Determination of top height
Format: I
Dictionary: d_det_top_height
11 forest_type

DB Column: code_forest_type
Description: European forest type
Remarks: https://www.eea.europa.eu/publications/technical_report_2006_9
Format: I
Dictionary: d_forest_type
12 mean_age

DB Column: code_mean_age
Description: Age class
Format: I
Dictionary: d_mean_age
13 n_layers

DB Column: code_tree_layers
Description: Number of tree layers
Format: I
Dictionary: d_tree_layers
14 cov_layers (%)

DB Column: coverage_tree_layer
Description: Coverage of tree layers
Missing value (NULL): -9999
Remarks: Coverage of each tree layer reported in 5% steps.
Format: I
Explanatory Item: 15
15 canclosure (%)

DB Column: canopy_closure
Description: Canopy closure
Missing value (NULL): -9999
Remarks: Estimated percentage coverage of tree layer > 5 m in 5% steps
Format: I
Explanatory Item: 16
16 code_status_mcpfe_class1

Description: Protection status MCPFE class 1 (Biodiversity)
Remarks: MCPFE classification (FOREST EUROPE/UNECE/FAO 2010)
Format: I
Dictionary: d_status_mcpfe_class1
Explanatory Item: 17
17 code_status_mcpfe_class2

Description: Protection status MCPFE class 2 (Landscapes)
Remarks: MCPFE classification (FOREST EUROPE/UNECE/FAO 2010)
Format: I
Dictionary: d_status_mcpfe_class2
Explanatory Item: 17
18 code_status_mcpfe_class3

Description: Protection status MCPFE class 3 (Functions)
Remarks: MCPFE classification (FOREST EUROPE/UNECE/FAO 2010)
Format: I
Dictionary: d_status_mcpfe_class3
Explanatory Item: 17
19 fencing

DB Column: code_fencing
Format: I
Dictionary: d_fencing
20 notimb_util_plot

DB Column: code_notimb_util_plot
Description: Non-timber utilisation in the plot
Format: I
Dictionary: d_notimb_util
Explanatory Item: 19
21 notimb_util_buffer

DB Column: code_notimb_util_buffer
Description: Non-timber utilisation in the buffer zone
Format: I
Dictionary: d_notimb_util
Explanatory Item: 19
22 man_type

DB Column: code_manage_type
Description: Management type
Format: I
Dictionary: d_manage_type
23 man_intensity_plot

DB Column: code_manage_intensity_plot
Description: Intensity of forest management in the plot
Format: I
Dictionary: d_manage_intensity
24 man_intensity_buffer

DB Column: code_manage_intensity_buffer
Description: Intensity of forest management in the buffer zone
Format: I
Dictionary: d_manage_intensity
25 silvicult_system

DB Column: code_silvicult_system
Description: Silvicultural system
Format: I
Dictionary: d_silvicult_system
26 owner

DB Column: code_forest_owner
Description: Forest ownership
Remarks: Following the FAO Global Forest Resource Assessment 2010
Format: I
Dictionary: d_forest_owner
Explanatory Item: 23
27 cutting_year

Description: Estimated year of final cutting
Missing value (NULL): -9999
Remarks: use 9999 for permanent forest plots
Format: I
28 code_canopy_gaps

Description: Cumulated area of large gaps in the canopy due to e.g. storm damages
Format: I
Dictionary: d_canopy_gaps
29 stand_rotation

Description: Number of successive tree populations (starting from 1 with the first forest stand monitored since plot installation)
Missing value (NULL): -9999
Format: I
30 plot_status

DB Column: code_plot_status
Description: Plot status
Format: I
Dictionary: d_plot_status
31 nfi_status

DB Column: code_nfi_status
Description: National Forest Inventory (NFI) status
Remarks: Defines if the plot is identical or co-located with a plot of the NFI
Format: I
Dictionary: d_nfi_status
32 code_water

Description: Water availability
Format: I
Dictionary: d_water
33 code_humus

Description: Humus type
Format: I
Dictionary: d_humus
34 other_observations (FREE TEXT)

DB Column: other_obs
Description: Supplementary comments
Format: C