range tests

plot_size 0.1 9.9999 warning since 1984
trees_ha 1 10000 warning since 1984
trees_ha 1 20000 error since 1984

temporal tests

249 Message: longitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT (longitude = longitude_t-1)
warning since 1984
250 Message: latitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT (latitude = latitude_t-1)
warning since 1984

multiple tests

696 Message: specified SI_plot_size VALUE does not match with specified GR_plot_size VALUE
SQL: where NOT (plot_size = plot_size)
warning since 1984
3014 Message: plot VALUE is not registered in the system installation
SQL: where NOT (EXIST(plot))
error since 1984
3223 Message: latitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+DDMMSS) with leading "+"
SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(latitude) = 7 AND latitude LIKE('+%'))
error since 1984
3224 Message: longitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+/-DDMMSS) with leading "+/-"
SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(longitude) = 7 AND (longitude LIKE('+%') OR longitude LIKE('-%')))
error since 1984
20240001 Message: Number of trees per hectar (VALUE) must correspond to the number of trees per plot (VALUE) in relation to the plot size (VALUE ha)
SQL: where NOT (round(trees_growth_plot / plot_size) = trees_ha)
error since 2024


range tests

bark 0.1 9.9 warning since 1984
crown_base_height 0.1 40 warning since 1984
crown_width 0.1 30 warning since 1984
diameter 3 200 error since 1984
diameter2 3 200 error since 1984
height 1 50 warning since 1984
volume 0.001 15 warning since 1984

temporal tests

253 Message: tree_species VALUE must not change for particular tree
SQL: where (tree_species_t-1 NOT IN (99, 199, 0, 94)) AND NOT (tree_species = tree_species_t-1)
warning since 1984
254 Message: diameter VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT ((((diameter + CASE WHEN diameter2 IS NULL THEN diameter ELSE diameter2 END) / 2) >= ((diameter_t-1 + CASE WHEN diameter2_t-1 IS NULL THEN diameter_t-1 ELSE diameter2_t-1 END) / 2 * 0.98)))
warning since 1984
255 Message: diameter VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT ((((diameter + CASE WHEN diameter2 IS NULL THEN diameter ELSE diameter2 END) / 2) <= ((diameter_t-1 + CASE WHEN diameter2_t-1 IS NULL THEN diameter_t-1 ELSE diameter2_t-1 END) / 2 * 1.2)))
warning since 1984
257 Message: height VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT (height >= (height_t-1 * 0.95))
warning since 1984
258 Message: tree VALUE must be the same as at previous observation (unless new trees were intentiously involved - e.g. due to ingrowth - or existing trees were felled or wind-thrown)
SQL: where NOT (tree = tree_t-1)
warning since 1984

multiple tests

697 Message: diameter not specified although removal is specified with VALUE
SQL: where (removal IN (1,2,3)) AND NOT (diameter IS NOT NULL)
error since 1984
20005 Message: Tree species -9 is not valid for this form. Specify a proper tree species. Plot: VALUE
SQL: where NOT (tree_species > 0)
error since 1984
20220001 Message: Diameter can just be NULL for dead and not assessed trees
SQL: where (diameter IS NULL) AND NOT (removal IN (4, 7, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, 39, 41, 42, 48, 49))
error since 1984
20220002 Message: Please confirm that the diameter has really been estimated
SQL: where NOT (code_diameter <> 7)
warning since 1984
20220003 Message: Please submit both diameter measurements if available instead of an averaged diameter
SQL: where NOT (code_diameter <> 3)
warning since 1984
20220004 Message: For code_diameter = 2 both diameters hav to be submitted
SQL: where (code_diameter = 2) AND NOT (diameter IS NOT NULL AND diameter2 IS NOT NULL)
error since 1984
20220005 Message: diameter2 can just be used with code_diameter = 2
SQL: where (diameter2 IS NOT NULL) AND NOT (code_diameter = 2)
error since 1984
20220008 Message: code_diameter must always be reported together with diameter
SQL: where (code_diameter IS NULL) AND NOT (diameter IS NULL)
error since 1984
20220009 Message: code_volume must always be reported together with tree_volume
SQL: where (code_volume IS NULL) AND NOT (volume IS NULL)
error since 1984
20220077 Message: Removal code "-99" is just valid for survey C1
SQL: where NOT (removal <> -99)
error 1984 - 2010
20220078 Message: Date VALUE does not exist in PLI
SQL: where NOT (EXIST(date_observation))
error since 1984


range tests

volume_stemwood_newlydead 1 999 warning since 1984
volume_stemwood_remaining 1 999 warning since 1984
volume_stemwood_removed 1 999 warning since 1984

temporal tests

275 Message: vol1 VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where ((tree_species = tree_species_t-1)) AND NOT ((volume_stemwood_remaining + volume_stemwood_newlydead + volume_stemwood_removed) <= (vol1_t-1 * 1.15))
warning since 1984
4002 Message: longitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT (longitude = longitude_t-1)
warning since 1984
4008 Message: latitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT (latitude = latitude_t-1)
warning since 1984

multiple tests

698 Message: GR_altitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT
SQL: where NOT (altitude = altitude)
warning since 1984
699 Message: GR_latitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT (VALUE).
SQL: where NOT (latitude = latitude)
warning since 1984
700 Message: GR_longitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT (VALUE).
SQL: where NOT (longitude = longitude)
warning since 1984
3021 Message: plot VALUE is not registered in the system installation
SQL: where NOT (EXIST(plot))
error since 1984
3217 Message: latitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+DDMMSS) with leading "+"
SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(latitude) = 7 AND latitude LIKE('+%'))
error since 1984
3218 Message: longitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+/-DDMMSS) with leading "+/-"
SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(longitude) = 7 AND (longitude LIKE('+%') OR longitude LIKE('-%')))
error since 1984
20004 Message: Tree species -9 is not valid for this form. Specify a proper tree species. Plot: VALUE
SQL: where NOT (tree_species > 0)
error since 1984


range tests

no tests available

temporal tests

276 Message: tree_species VALUE must not change for particular tree
SQL: where (tree_species_t-1 NOT IN (99, 199, 0, 94)) AND NOT (tree_species = tree_species_t-1)
warning since 1984

multiple tests

20007 Message: Tree species -9 is not valid for this form. Specify a proper tree species. Plot: VALUE
SQL: where NOT (tree_species > 0)
error since 1984


range/temp tests/mulitiple tests

no tests available


range tests

no tests available

temporal tests

no tests available

multiple tests

20220053 Message: Time invalid: VALUE. Required format: HHMMSS, e.g. 094533 for 09:45h 33s
SQL: where NOT ((adds.isnumeric(time) AND time::NUMERIC >= 0 AND LENGTH(time) =6) OR CASE WHEN adds.isnumeric(time) AND time::NUMERIC >= 0 AND LENGTH(time) = 6 THEN (LEFT(time, 2)::INTEGER > 23 OR SUBSTRING(time, 3, 2)::INTEGER > 59 OR RIGHT(time, 2)::INTEGER > 59) END)
error since 1984


range tests

no tests available

temporal tests

no tests available

multiple tests

218 Message: specified diameter VALUE must not smaller than specified dbh VALUE
SQL: where NOT (diameter < dbh)
warning since 1984
219 Message: specified diameter_5 VALUE must not smaller than specified diameter VALUE
SQL: where NOT (diameter_5 < diameter)
error since 1984
220 Message: specified diameter_10 VALUE must not smaller than specified diameter_5 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (diameter_10 < diameter_5)
error since 1984
221 Message: specified diameter_15 VALUE must not smaller than specified diameter_10 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (diameter_15 < diameter_10)
error since 1984
222 Message: specified diameter_20 VALUE must not smaller than specified diameter_15 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (diameter_20 < diameter_15)
error since 1984
223 Message: specified diameter_25 VALUE must not smaller than specified diameter_20 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (diameter_25 < diameter_20)
error since 1984
224 Message: specified diameter_30 VALUE must not smaller than specified diameter_25 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (diameter_30 < diameter_25)
error since 1984
225 Message: specified diameter_35 VALUE must not smaller than specified diameter_30 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (diameter_35 < diameter_30)
error since 1984
226 Message: specified diameter_40 VALUE must not smaller than specified diameter_35 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (diameter_40 < diameter_35)
error since 1984
227 Message: specified diameter_45 VALUE must not smaller than specified diameter_40 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (diameter_45 < diameter_40)
error since 1984
228 Message: specified diameter_50 VALUE must not smaller than specified diameter_45 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (diameter_50 < diameter_45)
error since 1984
20006 Message: Tree species -9 is not valid for this form. Specify a proper tree species. Plot: VALUE
SQL: where NOT (tree_species > 0)
error since 1984


range tests

no tests available

temporal tests

124 Message: vol VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT (volume_plot_per BETWEEN (vol_t-1 * 0.85) AND (vol_t-1 * 1.15))
warning since 1984

multiple tests

229 Message: specified basal_5 VALUE must not smaller than specified basal_plot VALUE
SQL: where NOT (basal_5 < basal_plot)
warning since 1984
230 Message: specified volume_5 VALUE must not smaller than specified volume_plot VALUE
SQL: where NOT (volume_5 < volume_plot)
warning since 1984
231 Message: specified basal_10 VALUE must not smaller than specified basal_5 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (basal_10 < basal_5)
warning since 1984
232 Message: specified volume_10 VALUE must not smaller than specified volume_5 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (volume_10 < volume_5)
warning since 1984
233 Message: specified basal_15 VALUE must not smaller than specified basal_10 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (basal_15 < basal_10)
warning since 1984
234 Message: specified volume_15 VALUE must not smaller than specified volume_10 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (volume_15 < volume_10)
warning since 1984
235 Message: specified basal_20 VALUE must not smaller than specified basal_15 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (basal_20 < basal_15)
warning since 1984
236 Message: specified volume_20 VALUE must not smaller than specified volume_15 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (volume_20 < volume_15)
warning since 1984
237 Message: specified basal_25 VALUE must not smaller than specified basal_20 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (basal_25 < basal_20)
warning since 1984
238 Message: specified volume_25 VALUE must not smaller than specified volume_20 VALUE
SQL: where NOT (volume_25 < volume_20)
warning since 1984