range tests

altitude_m 0 2500 warning since 1984
altitude_m 0 4000 error since 1984
plot_size 0.1 9.9999 warning since 1984
slope 0 30 warning since 1984
slope 0 70 error since 1984

temporal tests

221 Message: date_installation VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT (date_installation = date_installation_t-1)
warning since 1984

multiple tests

642 Message: plot size must not be NULL
SQL: where NOT (plot_size IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
812 Message: specified Plot design VALUE does not match with specified Level II plot VALUE
SQL: where (plot is not null) AND NOT (plot_design >200)
error since 1984
3239 Message: latitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+DDMMSS) with leading "+"
SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(latitude) = 7 AND latitude LIKE('+%'))
error since 1984
3240 Message: longitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+/-DDMMSS) with leading "+/-"
SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(longitude) = 7 AND (longitude LIKE('+%') OR longitude LIKE('-%')))
error since 1984


range tests

no tests available

temporal tests

no tests available

multiple tests

821 Message: specified Forest type VALUE does not match with specified Main tree species VALUE
SQL: where (forest_type = 6) AND NOT (tree_species = 18 OR tree_species = 19 OR tree_species = 20)
error since 1984
822 Message: specified Main tree species VALUE does not match with specified Forest type VALUE
SQL: where (tree_species = 18 OR tree_species = 19 OR tree_species = 20) AND NOT (forest_type = 6 OR forest_type = 7)
error since 1984
13140 Message: Canopy closure is mandatory for plots with inhomogeneous canopy closure -plot VALUE
SQL: where NOT (canclosure IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
13200 Message: Plot VALUE is not registered in SI plot description (SI_PLT)
SQL: where NOT (EXIST(plot))
error since 1984
20013 Message: Tree species -9 is not valid for this form. Specify a proper tree species. Plot: VALUE
SQL: where NOT (tree_species > 0)
error since 1984
20230005 Message: canclosure (VALUE) has to be between 0 and 100, or -9999(missing value)
SQL: where NOT ((canclosure = -9999) OR (canclosure BETWEEN 0 AND 100))
error since 1984
20230006 Message: canclosure (VALUE) has to be between 40 and 100, or -9999(missing value)
SQL: where NOT ((canclosure = -9999) OR (canclosure BETWEEN 40 AND 100))
warning since 1984
20230009 Message: top_height (VALUE) has to be between 20 and 45, or -9999(missing value)
SQL: where NOT ((top_height = -9999) OR (top_height BETWEEN 20 AND 45))
warning since 1984


range tests

azimuth 0 400 error since 1984

temporal tests

no tests available

multiple tests

no tests available


range tests

seedl_outlasting 0 100 error since 1984
soil_preparation_area 0 100 error since 1984

temporal tests

no tests available

multiple tests

13001 Message: specified trees_before VALUE must not smaller than specified trees_loss VALUE
SQL: where NOT (trees_before > trees_loss)
error since 1984
13002 Message: specified basal_area_before VALUE must not smaller than specified basal_area_loss VALUE
SQL: where NOT (basal_area_before > basal_area_loss)
error since 1984
13003 Message: chemics_quantity VALUE must be >= 0
SQL: where NOT (chemics_quantity > 0)
error since 1984
13004 Message: seedl_age VALUE must be >= 0
SQL: where NOT (seedl_age > 0)
error since 1984
13005 Message: seedl_height VALUE must be >= 0
SQL: where NOT (seedl_height > 0)
error since 1984
13006 Message: individuals_density VALUE must be >= 0
SQL: where NOT (individuals_density > 0)
error since 1984
13007 Message: size_residues VALUE must be >= 0
SQL: where NOT (size_residues > 0)
error since 1984
13008 Message: pruning_max_height VALUE must be >= 0
SQL: where NOT (pruning_max_height > 0)
error since 1984
13009 Message: soil_preparation_depth VALUE must be >= 0
SQL: where NOT (soil_preparation_depth > 0)
error since 1984
13100 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute product_material must not be NULL
SQL: where (product_material IS NULL) AND NOT (code_event_type Like 'D%' OR code_event_type = '99')
error since 1984
13101 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_tools must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_tools IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type Like 'F%' OR code_event_type = 'N2' OR code_event_type = 'N3' OR code_event_type = 'N4' OR code_event_type = 'I2' OR code_event_type = 'I3'))
error since 1984
13102 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute trees_before must not be NULL
SQL: where (trees_before IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type Like 'D%' OR code_event_type Like 'F%' OR code_event_type = 'N2' OR code_event_type = 'I2' OR code_event_type = 'I3'))
error since 1984
13103 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute trees_loss must not be NULL
SQL: where (trees_loss IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type Like 'D%' OR code_event_type Like 'F%' OR code_event_type = 'N2' OR code_event_type = 'I2' OR code_event_type = 'I3'))
error since 1984
13104 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute basal_area_before must not be NULL
SQL: where (basal_area_before IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type Like 'D%' OR code_event_type Like 'F%' OR code_event_type = 'N2' OR code_event_type = 'I2' OR code_event_type = 'I3'))
error since 1984
13105 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute basal_area_loss must not be NULL
SQL: where (basal_area_loss IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type Like 'D%' OR code_event_type Like 'F%' OR code_event_type = 'N2' OR code_event_type = 'I2' OR code_event_type = 'I3'))
error since 1984
13106 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_logging_method must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_logging_method IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type Like 'F%')
error since 1984
13107 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_extraction_tools must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_extraction_tools IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type Like 'F%')
error since 1984
13108 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_extraction_method must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_extraction_method IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type Like 'F%')
error since 1984
13109 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_extraction_method must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_extraction_method IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type Like 'F%')
error since 1984
13110 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_slash_disposal must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_slash_disposal IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type Like 'F%')
error since 1984
13111 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute size_residues must not be NULL
SQL: where (size_residues IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type Like 'F%')
error since 1984
13112 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_soil_compaction_ways must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_soil_compaction_ways IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type Like 'F%')
error since 1984
13113 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_soil_compaction_area must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_soil_compaction_area IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type Like 'F%')
error since 1984
13114 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute pruning_max_height must not be NULL
SQL: where (pruning_max_height IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type = 'N5')
error since 1984
13115 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute soil_preparation_depth must not be NULL
SQL: where (soil_preparation_depth IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type = 'S1')
error since 1984
13116 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute soil_preparation_area must not be NULL
SQL: where (soil_preparation_area IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type = 'S1' OR code_event_type = 'I2' OR code_event_type = 'I3'))
error since 1984
13117 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute soil_preparation_area must not be NULL
SQL: where (soil_preparation_area IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type = 'S1' OR code_event_type = 'I2' OR code_event_type = 'I3'))
error since 1984
13118 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute chemics_composition must not be NULL
SQL: where (chemics_composition IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type = 'S2' OR code_event_type = 'S3' OR code_event_type = 'C1'))
error since 1984
13119 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute chemics_quantity must not be NULL
SQL: where (chemics_quantity IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type = 'S2' OR code_event_type = 'S3' OR code_event_type = 'C1'))
error since 1984
13120 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute chemics_method must not be NULL
SQL: where (chemics_method IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type = 'S2' OR code_event_type = 'S3' OR code_event_type = 'C1'))
error since 1984
13121 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_treatment_aim must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_treatment_aim IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type = 'S1' OR code_event_type = 'C1'))
error since 1984
13122 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_preparation_type must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_preparation_type IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type LIKE 'S%')
error since 1984
13123 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_target_plant must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_target_plant IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type = 'N1' OR code_event_type = 'N2' OR code_event_type = 'N5' OR code_event_type = 'N6' OR code_event_type = 'C1'))
error since 1984
13124 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_seedl_tree_species must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_seedl_tree_species IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type = 'N3' OR code_event_type = 'N4'))
error since 1984
13125 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_seedl_provenance_country must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_seedl_provenance_country IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type = 'N3' OR code_event_type = 'N4'))
error since 1984
13126 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute seedl_provenance_locality must not be NULL
SQL: where (seedl_provenance_locality IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type = 'N3' OR code_event_type = 'N4'))
error since 1984
13127 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_seedl_stock must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_seedl_stock IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type = 'N3')
error since 1984
13128 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute seedl_age must not be NULL
SQL: where (seedl_age IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type = 'N3')
error since 1984
13129 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute seedl_height must not be NULL
SQL: where (seedl_height IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type = 'N3')
error since 1984
13130 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute code_seedl_nursery must not be NULL
SQL: where (code_seedl_nursery IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type = 'N3')
error since 1984
13131 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute seedl_outlasting must not be NULL
SQL: where (seedl_outlasting IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT code_event_type = 'N3')
error since 1984
13132 Message: for event_type VALUE the attribute individuals_density must not be NULL
SQL: where (individuals_density IS NULL) AND NOT (NOT (code_event_type LIKE 'N3' AND NOT code_event_type = 'N7'))
error since 1984
13201 Message: Plot VALUE is not registered in SI plot description (SI_PLT)
SQL: where NOT (EXIST(plot))
error since 1984