23 Forest ownership

Dictionary: d_forest_owner

Forest ownership is reported in classes following the FAO Global Forest Resource Assessment 2010

  • Public ownership: forest owned by the State; or administrative units of the public administration; or by institutions or corporations owned by the public administration.

  • Private ownership: forest owned by individuals, families, communities, private co-operatives, corporations and other business entities, private religious and educational institutions, pension or investment funds, NGOs, nature conservation associations and other private institutions.

    • Individuals (sub-category of Private ownership): Forest owned by individuals and families.

    • Private business entities and institutions (sub-category of Private ownership): Forest owned by private corporations, co-operatives, companies and other business entities, as well as private non-profit organizations such as NGOs, nature conservation associations, and private religious and educational institutions, etc.

    • Local communities (sub-category of Private ownership): Forest owned by a group of individuals belonging to the same community residing within or in the vicinity of a forest area. The community members are co-owners that share exclusive rights and duties, and benefits contribute to the community development.

    • Indigenous / tribal communities (sub-category of Private ownership): Forest owned by communities of indigenous or tribal people.

  • Other types of ownership: Other kind of ownership arrangements not covered by the categories above. Also includes areas where ownership is unclear or disputed.