145 Sampler(group) ID

The sampler(group) ID defines a single sampler (Lysimeter) or a group of samplers (Lysimeters) with same attributes (sampler type, depth and layer), from which a sample is collected in the field.

The sampler(group) ID shall be numbered in a permanent and unique way (1-999).

If the sampling system will be changed:

  1. from single lysimeter sampling to pooled sampling by a group of lysimeters new sampler(group) IDs, which were not used already as Sampler numbers before, have to be created to avoid confusions. Former sampler IDs of the individual lysimeters which form the new sampler group should be listed using the field “Other observations”.

  2. in case a lysimeter needs replacement there are two options.

If the sampler is replaced at the same spot, sampling depth, horizon and if the lysimeter is of the same type as before, the sampler(group) ID should be kept to allow for time trend analysis.

If the sampler is removed and another sampler is placed at another spot within the same plot, soil, depth horizon (for example in the case of big disturbance) or if the sampler is of another type, it must be given a new ID that has not yet been used at this plot.

Replacements of samplers can be reported using the field “Other observations”.

This means that all samplers or a group of samplers at one plot must first be given a (running) ID and then be described by assigning sampler type, sampled horizon, sampled depth.

Only such a numbering guarantees consistency of plot information and data.