range tests
periods | 1 | 366 | error | since 1984 |
sampler_height | 0.5 | 30 | warning | since 1984 |
sampler_surface | 0.025 | 0.5 | warning | since 1984 |
temporal tests
277 | Message: longitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year SQL: where NOT (longitude = longitude_t-1) |
warning | since 1984 |
278 | Message: latitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year SQL: where NOT (latitude = latitude_t-1) |
warning | since 1984 |
multiple tests
707 | Message: specified date_monitoring_first VALUE must not smaller than specified date_monitoring_last VALUE SQL: where NOT (date_monitoring_first <= date_monitoring_last) |
error | since 1984 |
708 | Message: DP_altitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT SQL: where (sampler NOT IN (2, 3)) AND NOT (altitude = altitude) |
warning | since 1984 |
709 | Message: DP_latitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT (VALUE). SQL: where (sampler NOT IN (2, 3)) AND NOT (latitude = latitude) |
warning | since 1984 |
710 | Message: DP_longitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT (VALUE). SQL: where (sampler NOT IN (2, 3)) AND NOT (longitude = longitude) |
warning | since 1984 |
711 | Message: number of periods/records for this sample_ID in data file (DEM) does not match with that in plot file SQL: where (period IN (periods)) AND NOT (periods = COUNT period) |
warning | since 1984 |
712 | Message: more periods/records for this sampler in data file DEM than specified in plot file SQL: where (period IN (periods)) AND NOT (periods >= COUNT period) |
error | since 1984 |
784 | Message: Sampler_ID VALUE not specified in DEM file SQL: where NOT (EXIST(sampler_id)) |
error | since 1984 |
3010 | Message: plot VALUE is not registered in the system installation SQL: where NOT (EXIST(plot)) |
error | since 1984 |
3207 | Message: latitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+DDMMSS) with leading "+" SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(latitude) = 7 AND latitude LIKE('+%')) |
error | since 1984 |
3208 | Message: longitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+/-DDMMSS) with leading "+/-" SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(longitude) = 7 AND (longitude LIKE('+%') OR longitude LIKE('-%'))) |
error | since 1984 |
range tests
Al | 0.001 | 8 | warning | since 1984 |
Al | 0 | 10 | error | since 1984 |
alkalinity | -50 | 10000 | warning | since 1984 |
Ca | 0.001 | 275 | warning | since 1984 |
Ca | 0.0001 | 100000 | error | since 1984 |
Cl | 0.002 | 800 | warning | since 1984 |
Cl | 0.0001 | 100000 | error | since 1984 |
Co | 0.008 | 100 | warning | since 1984 |
Co | 0.0001 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
conductivity | 1 | 10000 | warning | since 1984 |
cr | 0.008 | 100 | warning | since 1984 |
cr | 0.0001 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
Cu | 0.06 | 850 | warning | since 1984 |
Cu | 0.0001 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
DOC | 0.001 | 100 | warning | since 1984 |
DOC | 0.0001 | 1000 | error | since 1984 |
don | 0.001 | 100 | warning | since 1984 |
don | 0.0001 | 1000 | error | since 1984 |
Fe | 0 | 25 | warning | since 1984 |
Fe | 0 | 100 | error | since 1984 |
hco3 | 0 | 500 | warning | since 1984 |
hco3 | 0 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
Hg | 0.02 | 100 | warning | since 1984 |
Hg | 0.0001 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
K | 0.002 | 250 | warning | since 1984 |
K | 0.001 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
Mg | 0.0025 | 100 | warning | since 1984 |
Mg | 0.0001 | 100000 | error | since 1984 |
Mn | 0 | 15.5 | warning | since 1984 |
Mn | 0 | 100 | error | since 1984 |
Mo | 0.008 | 100 | warning | since 1984 |
Mo | 0.0001 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
Na | 0.003 | 500 | warning | since 1984 |
Na | 0.0001 | 100000 | error | since 1984 |
N_NH4 | 0.002 | 175 | warning | since 1984 |
N_NH4 | 0.001 | 100000 | error | since 1984 |
n_no2 | 0.002 | 175 | warning | since 1984 |
n_no2 | 0.0001 | 100000 | error | since 1984 |
N_NO3 | 0.002 | 175 | warning | since 1984 |
N_NO3 | 0.0001 | 100000 | error | since 1984 |
N_total | 0.03 | 350 | warning | since 1984 |
N_total | 0.0001 | 100000 | error | since 1984 |
Pb | 0.012 | 200 | warning | since 1984 |
Pb | 0.0001 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
period | 1 | 53 | warning | since 1984 |
pH | 2.5 | 9.4 | warning | since 1984 |
pH | 1 | 14 | error | since 1984 |
P_PO4 | 0.0017 | 1000 | warning | since 1984 |
P_PO4 | 0.0001 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
p_total | 0.0017 | 1000 | warning | since 1984 |
p_total | 0.0001 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
S_SO4 | 0.01 | 500 | warning | since 1984 |
S_SO4 | 0.0001 | 100000 | error | since 1984 |
S_total | 0.01 | 500 | warning | since 1984 |
S_total | 0.0001 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
Zn | 0.005 | 4500 | warning | since 1984 |
Zn | 0.0001 | 10000 | error | since 1984 |
temporal tests
no tests available
multiple tests
715 | Message: sum of N_NH4 VALUE and N_NO3 VALUE greater than N_total VALUE SQL: where NOT ((N_total * 1.05) >= (N_NH4 + N_NO3)) |
warning | since 1984 |
716 | Message: ratio between Na and Cl not between 0.4 and 4.0 SQL: where (((Na IS NOT NULL) AND (Na <> -1) AND (Cl IS NOT NULL) AND (Cl <> -1)) ) AND NOT (((((Na / 22.99) / (Cl / 35.453)) > 0.4) AND (((Na / 22.99) / (Cl / 35.453)) < 4.0))) |
warning | since 1984 |
717 | Message: specified date_start VALUE must not smaller than specified date_end VALUE SQL: where NOT (date_start <= date_end) |
error | since 1984 |
718 | Message: specified pH VALUE does not match with specified quantity VALUE SQL: where (quantity = 0) AND NOT (pH IS NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
783 | Message: Sampler_ID VALUE not specified in PLD file SQL: where NOT (EXIST(sampler_id)) |
error | since 1984 |
830 | Message: specified V_Sampling VALUE does not match with not specified value for Quantity (NULL value) SQL: where (quantity IS NULL) AND NOT (V_sampling NOT IN (1,5,6,7,8,9 )) |
error | since 1984 |
986 | Message: Submitted value for conductivity VALUE does not fit with calculated value SQL: where ((pH IS NOT NULL) AND (pH >= 0) AND (conductivity IS NOT NULL) AND (conductivity > 0) AND (K IS NOT NULL) AND (K > 0) AND (Ca IS NOT NULL) AND (Ca > 0)AND (Mg IS NOT NULL) AND (Mg > 0)AND (Na IS NOT NULL) AND (Na > 0) AND (N_NH4 IS NOT NULL) AND (N_NH4 > 0)AND (Cl IS NOT NULL) AND (Cl > 0) AND (N_NO3 IS NOT NULL) AND (N_NO3 > 0) AND (alkalinity IS NOT NULL) AND (S_SO4 IS NOT NULL) AND (S_SO4 > 0)AND (N_total IS NOT NULL) AND (N_total > 0)) AND NOT (ref.fm_test_conduct_dem(pH, conductivity, Ca, Mg, Na, K, N_NH4,S_SO4, N_NO3, Cl, alkalinity) = 0) |
warning | since 1984 |
20220022 | Message: Date_start and date_end must not be empty since 2007 SQL: where NOT (date_start IS NOT NULL AND date_end IS NOT NULL) |
error | since 2007 |
20220023 | Message: Please add date_start and date_end if available SQL: where NOT (date_start IS NOT NULL AND date_end IS NOT NULL) |
warning | 1984 - 2006 |
range tests
control_chart_std | 0 | 100 | error | since 1984 |
temporal tests
no tests available
multiple tests
215 | Message: specified date_start VALUE must not smaller than specified date_end VALUE SQL: where NOT (date_start <= date_end) |
error | since 1984 |
556 | Message: control_chart_mean is Null, which is not expected for parameter VALUE SQL: where (parameter NOT IN ('pH', 'Alkalin', 'DOC', 'Cond')) AND NOT (control_chart_mean IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
557 | Message: control_chart_mean is Null, which is not expected for parameter VALUE SQL: where (parameter IN ('pH', 'DOC', 'Cond')) AND NOT (control_chart_mean IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
558 | Message: control_chart_std is Null, which is not expected for parameter VALUE SQL: where (parameter NOT IN ('pH', 'Alkalin', 'DOC', 'Cond')) AND NOT (control_chart_std IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
559 | Message: control_chart_std is Null, which is not expected for parameter VALUE SQL: where (parameter IN ('pH', 'DOC', 'Cond')) AND NOT (control_chart_std IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
560 | Message: quantification_limit is Null, which is not expected for parameter VALUE SQL: where (parameter NOT IN ('pH', 'Alkalin', 'Cond')) AND NOT (quantification_limit IS NOT NULL) |
error | since 1984 |
912 | Message: Quantification limit must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE SQL: where NOT (quantification_limit > 0) |
error | since 1984 |
918 | Message: Control chart mean must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE SQL: where NOT (control_chart_mean > 0) |
error | since 1984 |
942 | Message: Control chart std VALUE not in range between 0.5 and 10 for VALUE SQL: where (parameter NOT IN ('pH')) AND NOT (control_chart_std between 0.5 and 10) |
warning | since 1984 |
948 | Message: Control chart std must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE SQL: where NOT (control_chart_std > 0) |
error | since 1984 |
1002 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.1 and 10 for Parameter Alkalin SQL: where (parameter='Alkalin') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.1 and 10) |
warning | since 1984 |
1003 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.0008 and 0.08 for Parameter N_NH4 SQL: where (parameter='N_NH4') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.0008 and 0.08) |
warning | since 1984 |
1004 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.002 and 0.2 for Parameter Ca SQL: where (parameter='Ca') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.002 and 0.2) |
warning | since 1984 |
1005 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.002 and 0.2 for Parameter Cl SQL: where (parameter='Cl') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.002 and 0.2) |
warning | since 1984 |
1006 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.05 and 5 for Parameter Cond SQL: where (parameter='Cond') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.05 and 5) |
warning | since 1984 |
1007 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.01 and 1 for Parameter DOC SQL: where (parameter='DOC') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.01 and 1) |
warning | since 1984 |
1008 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 0.1 for Parameter Mg SQL: where (parameter='Mg') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.001 and 0.1) |
warning | since 1984 |
1009 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.0008 and 0.08 for Parameter N_NO3 SQL: where (parameter='N_NO3') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.0008 and 0.08) |
warning | since 1984 |
1010 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 0.1 for Parameter P SQL: where (parameter='P') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.001 and 0.1) |
warning | since 1984 |
1011 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 0.1 for Parameter P_PO4 SQL: where (parameter='P_PO4') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.001 and 0.1) |
warning | since 1984 |
1012 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.004 and 0.4 for Parameter K SQL: where (parameter='K') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.004 and 0.4) |
warning | since 1984 |
1013 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 0.1 for Parameter Na SQL: where (parameter='Na') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.001 and 0.1) |
warning | since 1984 |
1014 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 0.1 for Parameter S_SO4 SQL: where (parameter='S_SO4') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.001 and 0.1) |
warning | since 1984 |
1015 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.005 and 0.5 for Parameter N_total SQL: where (parameter='N_total') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.005 and 0.5) |
warning | since 1984 |
1016 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0 and 10000 for Parameter Al SQL: where (parameter='Al') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0 and 10000) |
error | since 1984 |
1017 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0 and 100000 for Parameter Fe SQL: where (parameter='Fe') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0 and 100000) |
error | since 1984 |
1018 | Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0 and 100000 for Parameter Mn SQL: where (parameter='Mn') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0 and 100000) |
error | since 1984 |
1090 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 25 and 200 for Parameter Alkalin SQL: where (parameter='Alkalin') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 25 and 200) |
warning | since 1984 |
1091 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 5 for Parameter N_NH4 SQL: where (parameter='N_NH4') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 5) |
warning | since 1984 |
1092 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 10 for Parameter Ca SQL: where (parameter='Ca') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 10) |
warning | since 1984 |
1093 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Cl SQL: where (parameter='Cl') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20) |
warning | since 1984 |
1094 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 25 and 200 for Parameter Cond SQL: where (parameter='Cond') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 25 and 200) |
warning | since 1984 |
1095 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 2 and 30 for Parameter DOC SQL: where (parameter='DOC') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 2 and 30) |
warning | since 1984 |
1096 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Mg SQL: where (parameter='Mg') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20) |
warning | since 1984 |
1097 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter N_NO3 SQL: where (parameter='N_NO3') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20) |
warning | since 1984 |
1098 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 4 and 9 for Parameter pH SQL: where (parameter='pH') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 4 and 9) |
warning | since 1984 |
1099 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 5 for Parameter P SQL: where (parameter='P') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 5) |
warning | since 1984 |
1100 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 5 for Parameter P_PO4 SQL: where (parameter='P_PO4') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 5) |
warning | since 1984 |
1101 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 1 and 20 for Parameter K SQL: where (parameter='K') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 1 and 20) |
warning | since 1984 |
1102 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Na SQL: where (parameter='Na') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20) |
warning | since 1984 |
1103 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 25 for Parameter S_SO4 SQL: where (parameter='S_SO4') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 25) |
warning | since 1984 |
1104 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 1 and 20 for Parameter N_total SQL: where (parameter='N_total') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 1 and 20) |
warning | since 1984 |
1105 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Al SQL: where (parameter='Al') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20) |
warning | since 1984 |
1106 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Fe SQL: where (parameter='Fe') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20) |
warning | since 1984 |
1107 | Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Mn SQL: where (parameter='Mn') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20) |
warning | since 1984 |
1172 | Message: Value of Quantification limit is missing SQL: where (parameter NOT IN ('pH')) AND NOT (quantification_limit IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
1178 | Message: Value of Control chart mean is missing SQL: where NOT (control_chart_mean IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
1184 | Message: Value of Control chart std is missing SQL: where NOT (control_chart_std IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
1190 | Message: Value of Laboratory ID is missing SQL: where NOT (Laboratory_ID IS NOT NULL) |
warning | since 1984 |
1193 | Message: Control chart std VALUE not in range between 0.1 and 10 for Parameter pH SQL: where (parameter IN ('pH')) AND NOT (control_chart_std between 0.1 and 10) |
warning | since 1984 |
20220035 | Message: Laboratory ID "VALUE" has not participated in a ringtest with determination method "VALUE" SQL: where NOT (ref.fn_check_lab_id('DP_SS', survey_year, Laboratory_ID, NULL, determination) IS TRUE) |
warning | since 2009 |