range tests

periods 1 366 error since 1984
sampler_height 0.5 30 warning since 1984
sampler_surface 0.025 0.5 warning since 1984

temporal tests

277 Message: longitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT (longitude = longitude_t-1)
warning since 1984
278 Message: latitude VALUE does not match with value VALUE from previous year
SQL: where NOT (latitude = latitude_t-1)
warning since 1984

multiple tests

707 Message: specified date_monitoring_first VALUE must not smaller than specified date_monitoring_last VALUE
SQL: where NOT (date_monitoring_first <= date_monitoring_last)
error since 1984
708 Message: DP_altitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT
SQL: where (sampler NOT IN (2, 3)) AND NOT (altitude = altitude)
warning since 1984
709 Message: DP_latitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT (VALUE).
SQL: where (sampler NOT IN (2, 3)) AND NOT (latitude = latitude)
warning since 1984
710 Message: DP_longitude VALUE is not the same as in GENER.PLT (VALUE).
SQL: where (sampler NOT IN (2, 3)) AND NOT (longitude = longitude)
warning since 1984
711 Message: number of periods/records for this sample_ID in data file (DEM) does not match with that in plot file
SQL: where (period IN (periods)) AND NOT (periods = COUNT period)
warning since 1984
712 Message: more periods/records for this sampler in data file DEM than specified in plot file
SQL: where (period IN (periods)) AND NOT (periods >= COUNT period)
error since 1984
784 Message: Sampler_ID VALUE not specified in DEM file
SQL: where NOT (EXIST(sampler_id))
error since 1984
3010 Message: plot VALUE is not registered in the system installation
SQL: where NOT (EXIST(plot))
error since 1984
3207 Message: latitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+DDMMSS) with leading "+"
SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(latitude) = 7 AND latitude LIKE('+%'))
error since 1984
3208 Message: longitude(VALUE) has to be submitted in a 7 digits format (+/-DDMMSS) with leading "+/-"
SQL: where NOT (LENGTH(longitude) = 7 AND (longitude LIKE('+%') OR longitude LIKE('-%')))
error since 1984


range tests

Al 0.001 8 warning since 1984
Al 0 10 error since 1984
alkalinity -50 10000 warning since 1984
Ca 0.001 275 warning since 1984
Ca 0.0001 100000 error since 1984
Cl 0.002 800 warning since 1984
Cl 0.0001 100000 error since 1984
Co 0.008 100 warning since 1984
Co 0.0001 10000 error since 1984
conductivity 1 10000 warning since 1984
cr 0.008 100 warning since 1984
cr 0.0001 10000 error since 1984
Cu 0.06 850 warning since 1984
Cu 0.0001 10000 error since 1984
DOC 0.001 100 warning since 1984
DOC 0.0001 1000 error since 1984
don 0.001 100 warning since 1984
don 0.0001 1000 error since 1984
Fe 0 25 warning since 1984
Fe 0 100 error since 1984
hco3 0 500 warning since 1984
hco3 0 10000 error since 1984
Hg 0.02 100 warning since 1984
Hg 0.0001 10000 error since 1984
K 0.002 250 warning since 1984
K 0.001 10000 error since 1984
Mg 0.0025 100 warning since 1984
Mg 0.0001 100000 error since 1984
Mn 0 15.5 warning since 1984
Mn 0 100 error since 1984
Mo 0.008 100 warning since 1984
Mo 0.0001 10000 error since 1984
Na 0.003 500 warning since 1984
Na 0.0001 100000 error since 1984
N_NH4 0.002 175 warning since 1984
N_NH4 0.001 100000 error since 1984
n_no2 0.002 175 warning since 1984
n_no2 0.0001 100000 error since 1984
N_NO3 0.002 175 warning since 1984
N_NO3 0.0001 100000 error since 1984
N_total 0.03 350 warning since 1984
N_total 0.0001 100000 error since 1984
Pb 0.012 200 warning since 1984
Pb 0.0001 10000 error since 1984
period 1 53 warning since 1984
pH 2.5 9.4 warning since 1984
pH 1 14 error since 1984
P_PO4 0.0017 1000 warning since 1984
P_PO4 0.0001 10000 error since 1984
p_total 0.0017 1000 warning since 1984
p_total 0.0001 10000 error since 1984
S_SO4 0.01 500 warning since 1984
S_SO4 0.0001 100000 error since 1984
S_total 0.01 500 warning since 1984
S_total 0.0001 10000 error since 1984
Zn 0.005 4500 warning since 1984
Zn 0.0001 10000 error since 1984

temporal tests

no tests available

multiple tests

715 Message: sum of N_NH4 VALUE and N_NO3 VALUE greater than N_total VALUE
SQL: where NOT ((N_total * 1.05) >= (N_NH4 + N_NO3))
warning since 1984
716 Message: ratio between Na and Cl not between 0.4 and 4.0
SQL: where (((Na IS NOT NULL) AND (Na <> -1) AND (Cl IS NOT NULL) AND (Cl <> -1)) ) AND NOT (((((Na / 22.99) / (Cl / 35.453)) > 0.4) AND (((Na / 22.99) / (Cl / 35.453)) < 4.0)))
warning since 1984
717 Message: specified date_start VALUE must not smaller than specified date_end VALUE
SQL: where NOT (date_start <= date_end)
error since 1984
718 Message: specified pH VALUE does not match with specified quantity VALUE
SQL: where (quantity = 0) AND NOT (pH IS NULL)
warning since 1984
783 Message: Sampler_ID VALUE not specified in PLD file
SQL: where NOT (EXIST(sampler_id))
error since 1984
830 Message: specified V_Sampling VALUE does not match with not specified value for Quantity (NULL value)
SQL: where (quantity IS NULL) AND NOT (V_sampling NOT IN (1,5,6,7,8,9 ))
error since 1984
986 Message: Submitted value for conductivity VALUE does not fit with calculated value
SQL: where ((pH IS NOT NULL) AND (pH >= 0) AND (conductivity IS NOT NULL) AND (conductivity > 0) AND (K IS NOT NULL) AND (K > 0) AND (Ca IS NOT NULL) AND (Ca > 0)AND (Mg IS NOT NULL) AND (Mg > 0)AND (Na IS NOT NULL) AND (Na > 0) AND (N_NH4 IS NOT NULL) AND (N_NH4 > 0)AND (Cl IS NOT NULL) AND (Cl > 0) AND (N_NO3 IS NOT NULL) AND (N_NO3 > 0) AND (alkalinity IS NOT NULL) AND (S_SO4 IS NOT NULL) AND (S_SO4 > 0)AND (N_total IS NOT NULL) AND (N_total > 0)) AND NOT (ref.fm_test_conduct_dem(pH, conductivity, Ca, Mg, Na, K, N_NH4,S_SO4, N_NO3, Cl, alkalinity) = 0)
warning since 1984
20220022 Message: Date_start and date_end must not be empty since 2007
SQL: where NOT (date_start IS NOT NULL AND date_end IS NOT NULL)
error since 2007
20220023 Message: Please add date_start and date_end if available
SQL: where NOT (date_start IS NOT NULL AND date_end IS NOT NULL)
warning 1984 - 2006


range tests

control_chart_std 0 100 error since 1984

temporal tests

no tests available

multiple tests

215 Message: specified date_start VALUE must not smaller than specified date_end VALUE
SQL: where NOT (date_start <= date_end)
error since 1984
556 Message: control_chart_mean is Null, which is not expected for parameter VALUE
SQL: where (parameter NOT IN ('pH', 'Alkalin', 'DOC', 'Cond')) AND NOT (control_chart_mean IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
557 Message: control_chart_mean is Null, which is not expected for parameter VALUE
SQL: where (parameter IN ('pH', 'DOC', 'Cond')) AND NOT (control_chart_mean IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
558 Message: control_chart_std is Null, which is not expected for parameter VALUE
SQL: where (parameter NOT IN ('pH', 'Alkalin', 'DOC', 'Cond')) AND NOT (control_chart_std IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
559 Message: control_chart_std is Null, which is not expected for parameter VALUE
SQL: where (parameter IN ('pH', 'DOC', 'Cond')) AND NOT (control_chart_std IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
560 Message: quantification_limit is Null, which is not expected for parameter VALUE
SQL: where (parameter NOT IN ('pH', 'Alkalin', 'Cond')) AND NOT (quantification_limit IS NOT NULL)
error since 1984
912 Message: Quantification limit must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE
SQL: where NOT (quantification_limit > 0)
error since 1984
918 Message: Control chart mean must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE
SQL: where NOT (control_chart_mean > 0)
error since 1984
942 Message: Control chart std VALUE not in range between 0.5 and 10 for VALUE
SQL: where (parameter NOT IN ('pH')) AND NOT (control_chart_std between 0.5 and 10)
warning since 1984
948 Message: Control chart std must not be <= 0 where parameter is VALUE
SQL: where NOT (control_chart_std > 0)
error since 1984
1002 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.1 and 10 for Parameter Alkalin
SQL: where (parameter='Alkalin') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.1 and 10)
warning since 1984
1003 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.0008 and 0.08 for Parameter N_NH4
SQL: where (parameter='N_NH4') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.0008 and 0.08)
warning since 1984
1004 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.002 and 0.2 for Parameter Ca
SQL: where (parameter='Ca') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.002 and 0.2)
warning since 1984
1005 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.002 and 0.2 for Parameter Cl
SQL: where (parameter='Cl') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.002 and 0.2)
warning since 1984
1006 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.05 and 5 for Parameter Cond
SQL: where (parameter='Cond') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.05 and 5)
warning since 1984
1007 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.01 and 1 for Parameter DOC
SQL: where (parameter='DOC') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.01 and 1)
warning since 1984
1008 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 0.1 for Parameter Mg
SQL: where (parameter='Mg') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.001 and 0.1)
warning since 1984
1009 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.0008 and 0.08 for Parameter N_NO3
SQL: where (parameter='N_NO3') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.0008 and 0.08)
warning since 1984
1010 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 0.1 for Parameter P
SQL: where (parameter='P') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.001 and 0.1)
warning since 1984
1011 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 0.1 for Parameter P_PO4
SQL: where (parameter='P_PO4') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.001 and 0.1)
warning since 1984
1012 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.004 and 0.4 for Parameter K
SQL: where (parameter='K') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.004 and 0.4)
warning since 1984
1013 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 0.1 for Parameter Na
SQL: where (parameter='Na') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.001 and 0.1)
warning since 1984
1014 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.001 and 0.1 for Parameter S_SO4
SQL: where (parameter='S_SO4') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.001 and 0.1)
warning since 1984
1015 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0.005 and 0.5 for Parameter N_total
SQL: where (parameter='N_total') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0.005 and 0.5)
warning since 1984
1016 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0 and 10000 for Parameter Al
SQL: where (parameter='Al') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0 and 10000)
error since 1984
1017 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0 and 100000 for Parameter Fe
SQL: where (parameter='Fe') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0 and 100000)
error since 1984
1018 Message: Quantification limit VALUE not in range between 0 and 100000 for Parameter Mn
SQL: where (parameter='Mn') AND NOT (quantification_limit between 0 and 100000)
error since 1984
1090 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 25 and 200 for Parameter Alkalin
SQL: where (parameter='Alkalin') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 25 and 200)
warning since 1984
1091 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 5 for Parameter N_NH4
SQL: where (parameter='N_NH4') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 5)
warning since 1984
1092 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 10 for Parameter Ca
SQL: where (parameter='Ca') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 10)
warning since 1984
1093 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Cl
SQL: where (parameter='Cl') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20)
warning since 1984
1094 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 25 and 200 for Parameter Cond
SQL: where (parameter='Cond') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 25 and 200)
warning since 1984
1095 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 2 and 30 for Parameter DOC
SQL: where (parameter='DOC') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 2 and 30)
warning since 1984
1096 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Mg
SQL: where (parameter='Mg') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20)
warning since 1984
1097 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter N_NO3
SQL: where (parameter='N_NO3') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20)
warning since 1984
1098 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 4 and 9 for Parameter pH
SQL: where (parameter='pH') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 4 and 9)
warning since 1984
1099 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 5 for Parameter P
SQL: where (parameter='P') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 5)
warning since 1984
1100 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 5 for Parameter P_PO4
SQL: where (parameter='P_PO4') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 5)
warning since 1984
1101 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 1 and 20 for Parameter K
SQL: where (parameter='K') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 1 and 20)
warning since 1984
1102 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Na
SQL: where (parameter='Na') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20)
warning since 1984
1103 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 25 for Parameter S_SO4
SQL: where (parameter='S_SO4') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 25)
warning since 1984
1104 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 1 and 20 for Parameter N_total
SQL: where (parameter='N_total') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 1 and 20)
warning since 1984
1105 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Al
SQL: where (parameter='Al') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20)
warning since 1984
1106 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Fe
SQL: where (parameter='Fe') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20)
warning since 1984
1107 Message: Control chart mean VALUE not in range between 0.2 and 20 for Parameter Mn
SQL: where (parameter='Mn') AND NOT (control_chart_mean between 0.2 and 20)
warning since 1984
1172 Message: Value of Quantification limit is missing
SQL: where (parameter NOT IN ('pH')) AND NOT (quantification_limit IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
1178 Message: Value of Control chart mean is missing
SQL: where NOT (control_chart_mean IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
1184 Message: Value of Control chart std is missing
SQL: where NOT (control_chart_std IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
1190 Message: Value of Laboratory ID is missing
SQL: where NOT (Laboratory_ID IS NOT NULL)
warning since 1984
1193 Message: Control chart std VALUE not in range between 0.1 and 10 for Parameter pH
SQL: where (parameter IN ('pH')) AND NOT (control_chart_std between 0.1 and 10)
warning since 1984
20220035 Message: Laboratory ID "VALUE" has not participated in a ringtest with determination method "VALUE"
SQL: where NOT (ref.fn_check_lab_id('DP_SS', survey_year, Laboratory_ID, NULL, determination) IS TRUE)
warning since 2009